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I believe Illinois’ agriculture economy can lead the way in lowering the price at the pump, reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil, and protecting our environment. I support federal investment in a comprehensive energy policy that includes a diverse portfolio concentrated on renewable, homegrown energy sources like ethanol, biodiesel, as well as wind, solar, hydro-power, nuclear, and clean-coal technologies.

Gas Prices/Energy Independence:
President Bush and the Republican Congress failed to enact a comprehensive energy strategy that would help stabilize the price at the pump and make America more energy independent. Now American families and businesses are dealing with the consequences of this inaction.

The cost of gasoline has skyrocketed over the last several years, currently hovering around $4 a gallon. The cost of other sources of energy, such as natural gas, has also increased. Working Americans feel the pain from these high prices everyday, whether at the pump, at the grocery store, or when paying their electricity bills.

In response to calls from people like you, I strongly supported the Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act (H.R. 6899), which passed on September 16, 2008. This important legislation includes several provisions to move us toward a 21st century energy policy by increasing our domestic energy supply, investing in alternative fuels, and ending taxpayer subsidies for big oil companies. Most importantly, H.R. 6899 launches efforts to move toward a clean renewable energy future that will create new jobs in Illinois.

Specifically, H.R. 6899:

  1. opens up the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) to drilling and energy exploration 100 miles or more from shore, allowing states to opt-in to drill 50 miles from their coastline;
  2. authorizes oil shale exploration;
  3. repeals tax breaks for Big Oil’s top five companies and reinvests those funds in a new Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve Fund;
  4. strengthens oversight within the Interior Department’s Minerals Management Services to address corruption between Department employees and oil executives;
  5. creates incentives for automakers to manufacture vehicles that run on cleaner-burning natural gas;
  6. accelerates the construction of a pipeline to bring energy resources from the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska to the lower 48 states;
  7. forbids the sale of Alaskan oil or natural gas to foreign nations; and
  8. provides grants to increase ridership and access to public transportation.

Additionally, this bill maintains the ban on drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), which I also support. Before fully opening our federal lands and waters to drilling, I would like to see oil and gas companies drill on the 68 million acres that are already leased.

I am proud of every energy vote I have taken in the 110th Congress, from addressing oil speculation abuses, cracking down on price gauging by Big Oil, releasing millions of barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, increasing fuel economy standards in vehicles, and providing relief for consumers at the pump. The Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act builds upon many of these measures, moving us closer to ending the energy crisis and establishing real U.S. energy independence.

I also believe that Congress must curb excessive speculation in the energy futures markets to provide more relief to consumers. On September 18, 2008, I helped pass the Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act (H.R. 6604), which further closes the Enron loophole and brings much-needed transparency to commodities and futures markets. The bill strengthens enforcement to prevent market manipulation and to prosecute fraud -- while giving the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) needed flexibility, so that there are no unintended consequences.

Congressional Northeast-Midwest Coalition and LIHEAP:
I am a member of the bipartisan Congressional Northeast-Midwest Coalition. As such, I have made several efforts to increase funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). We were successful on several occasions in releasing reserve and emergency funds from these programs for areas hit hard by extreme cold or hot temperatures. I will continue working with the Coalition and support initiatives for LIHEAP and WAP, which have been extremely successful in assisting Americans with their high home energy costs.

At the bottom of the page see the requests I made for increased LIHEAP funding and release of reserve funds to immediately provide releif to low-income families in cold winter or hot summer months.

Global Warming:
The world’s top climate scientists recently put out a landmark report that concluded global warming is “unequivocal” and that human activity is the main cause.

Climate change is an urgent threat and I stand committed to putting measures in place to limit the emissions of greenhouse gases, the leading cause of global warming pollution.

I am an original cosponsor of the Climate Stewardship Act (H.R. 620), which aims to gradually reduce greenhouse gas emissions while keeping our economy strong.


Illinois Delegation Letter in Support of the FutureGen Program ( 09/27/08 12:33 PM PST )
Freshman Class Letter Urging Passage of Comprehensive Energy Bill ( 09/27/08 12:32 PM PST )
Phil's Letter Requesting the Release of Emergency Funding for LIHEAP ( 09/27/08 12:04 PM PST )