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RIM Re-reviews

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Related Information
 -   Rental Integrity Monitoring (RIM)
 -   RIM Review Dispute Process
 -   Notice PIH 2005-7 Rental Integrity Monitoring (RIM), Disallowed Costs and Sanctions under the Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project
 -   Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
 -   Rental Integrity Monitoring (RIM) Guide
 -   RHIIP Training Materials
 -   Incentives and Sanctions


PIH has conducted over 700 re-reviews (Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher) of the PHAs that receive 80% of HUD's funding. These re-reviews are meant to:

  • Confirm whether the PHA has implemented the corrective acions as outlined in its approved corrective action plan (CAP)

  • Verify that the implementation of corrective actions hasled to a reduction of errors, based on a review of newly selectedtenant files

  • Determine whether or not errors identified during the initial RIM review have been corrected

Re-review Protocol

HUD staff will:

Re-review Reporting Requirements

  • The Field Office must provide the PHA a final written report no later than 45 calendar days from the completion of the re-review.

  • PHAs must be given at least 30 calendar days to respond to the re-review report, but no more than 45 calendar days.

  • In cases where systemic or material findings exist, a copy of the review report should be sent to the PHA's current Independent Public Accountant (IPA) auditor.

  • If actions must be taken against the PHA for failure to address deficiencies identified during the initial RIM review, the Field Office must take appropriate action, in accordance with Notice PIH 2005-7 Rental Integrity Monitoring (RIM), Disallowed Costs and Sanctions under the Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project.

Narrative Reports to the PHA

  • Detail whether or not the PHA has implemented all corrective actions

  • List findings, required corrective actions, observations, and recommendations identified in the review of the new tenant file sample

  • Detail the results of the re-review of the tenant files from the initial RIM review

  • Explain actions to be taken against the PHA, if applicable
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