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 -   Eligibility of Students for Assisted Housing Under Section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; Supplementary Guidance
 -   Notice PIH 2004-01, Verification Guidance for Public Housing Agencies
 -   Notice PIH 2005-7 Rental Integrity Monitoring (RIM), Disallowed Costs and Sanctions under the Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project
 -   Public Housing Occupancy Guidebook
 -   Housing Choice Voucher Program Guidebook
 -   Notice PIH 2001-15 Improving Income Integrity in Public and Assisted Housing
 -   Changes to Admission and Occupancy Requirements in the Public Housing and Section 8 Housing Assistance Programs Final Rule

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The following documents provide reference information required to correctly calculate tenant income and housing subsidy payments and reduce errors.

Eligibility of Students for Assisted Housing Under Section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; Supplementary Guidance

This notice provides supplemental guidance to PHAs in implementing the new student eligibility restrictions, as published in the December 30, 2005 final rule. The final rule implemented a new law that restricts individuals who are (1) enrolled at an institution of higher education (i.e., students), under the age of 24,not a veteran, unmarried, and do not have a dependent child, and (2)seeking assistance under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (section 8 assistance) in their individual capacity (that is,separately from their parents) from receiving section 8 assistance if neither the student nor the student's parents are income eligible.

Notice PIH 2004-01, Verification Guidance for Public Housing Agencies

This publication serves as a tool for use in the verification process of family income. The basis of this guidance comes from HUD regulations found at 24 CFR Parts 5, 903, 960, 982, applicable to the Public Housing and the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program.

Notice PIH 2005-7 Rental Integrity Monitoring (RIM), Disallowed Costs and Sanctions under the Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project

This Notice highlights the importance of timely and accurate income and rent determinations by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and the consequences for failure to identify and correct income and rent determination deficiencies.

Public Housing Occupancy Guidebook

The Public Housing Occupancy Guidebook is designed to assist HUD and PHA staff with a range of issues related to public housing occupancy, rent and income determinations, and up-front income verification.

Relevant sections of the PH guidebook, as they relate to the RHIIP, are:

Chapter 7: Verification Standards
Chapter 10: Income and Program Rents
Chapter 12: Annual Reexaminations of Income and Family Circumstances
Chapter 13: Interim Rent Adjustments
Chapter 14: Utilities

Housing Choice Voucher Program Guidebook

The Housing Choice Voucher Program Guidebook advises public housing agencies (PHAs) and other organizations providing services to PHAs in the administration of tenant-based subsidy programs. Providing guidance on program eligibility, calculation of annual and adjusted income, and tenant rent, the Guide defines the roles and responsibilities of HUD, the PHA, and tenant families.

To view sections of the HCV guidebook, as they relate to RHIIP, click on a chapter below:

 -   Chapter 5: Eligibility and Denial of Assistance
 -   Chapter 6: Calculating Rent and HAP Payments
 -   Chapter 7: Payment Standards
 -   Chapter 12: Reexaminations
 -   Chapter 18: Allowances for Utilities and Other Services
 -   Chapter 19: HUD Reporting Requirements, PHA Internal Monitoring Requirements
 -   Chapter 22: Program Integrity

Notice PIH 2001-15 Improving Income Integrity in Public and Assisted Housing

This notice emphasizes timely, accurate, and fair income and rent determinations by PHAs. By providing guidance on income calculations and rent determinations, up-front techniques to verify income, and tips for improving income integrity, PIH seeks to ensure that PHAs and residents are in compliance with required statutes and regulations.

Changes to Admission and Occupancy Requirements in the Public Housing and Section 8 Housing Assistance Programs Final Rule (March 29, 2000)

This rule implements changes to the admission and occupancy requirements for the public housing and Section 8 assisted housing programs made by the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998. It includes new provisions for determining income and rent, conducting regular and interim examinations, and verifying family information in public housing and Section 8 housing assistance programs.
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