National Institute for Literacy

[NIFL-WORKPLACE] Fwd: New Journal Seeks Manuscripts

Donna Brian djgbrian at
Fri Oct 1 10:56:32 EDT 2004

This message is forwarded with permission:

>New Online Education Journal Seeks Manuscripts


>The Workforce Improvement Network at James Madison University, through

>funding from the Virginia Department of Education, will publish an online

>journal for the field of adult and workforce education. The journal will

>debut in late November, and the editors are seeking articles for publication.


>Vertex, the Online Journal for Adult and Workforce Education will be a

>peer-reviewed quarterly publication that supports adult and workplace

>education professionals by providing access to the latest information and

>research relating to the theory and best practices for English as a Second

>Language, GED Preparation, and Adult Basic Education instruction and

>program management both at the workplace and off-site.


>By definition, vertex is not only the highest point of anything, its apex,

>but also the point where angles come together. The editors of Vertex see

>it as being the Internet resource for adult and workforce educators,

>program managers, human resource development and training professionals,

>and college and university program personnel, as well as the point where

>all of those aspects of workforce and adult education converge.


>Vertex will debut in late November 2004, with additional issues scheduled

>for February 2005, April 2005, and June 2005. The editors are asking adult

>and workforce education program managers, academic program directors and

>faculty, and human resource development professionals to submit

>manuscripts for review and publication in Vertex. Articles that relate to

>the theory, best practices, research, and policy in the areas of workplace

>education, English as a Second Language education an acquisition, adult

>basic education, GED learning in the workplace, and policy are needed for

>all issues.


>Articles should be clearly written, present current information and/or

>research on adult learning, language acquisition, program development and

>marketing as they relate adult and workforce education, and be backed by

>sound evaluation and statistics.


>Send manuscripts as a Word attachment (using 12 point Arial or Times New

>Roman font, double-spaced, and AP style) to Pamela G. Brown, editor, at

>brownpg at along with a 50- to 100- word bio and contact information.

>The editors prefer manuscripts of 1,500 to 3,000 words, although they will

>publish articles up to 5,000 words. Longer manuscripts will be considered

>and may be serialized.


>Please note that submissions will only be accepted electronically. While

>manuscripts for all issues are being accepted at this time, the deadline

>for the premiere issue (November 2004) is October 15, 2004. For additional

>information, contact Ms. Brown at 1-540-568-8797 or 1-888-637-8494.


>Heidi Findlay

>Workforce Improvement Network

>Workforce Development Campus

>at James Madison University

>MSC 9003 / Blue Ridge Hall

>Harrisonburg, VA 22807

>888.637.8494 / mongerhx at

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