National Institute for Literacy

[NIFL-WORKPLACE] Equipped for the Future update

Donna Brian djgbrian at
Thu Sep 30 12:29:40 EDT 2004

September 28, 2004

I am pleased to share with you an update on the Equipped for the Future
(EFF) Center for Training and Technical Assistance, located at the Center
for Literacy Studies, University of Tennessee Knoxville, since 2002.

During the 04-05 program year, the Center will be offering many services
and professional development opportunities to the adult education field. We
hope you will have the opportunity to participate in or explore one of the

-Teaching Adults to Read with Understanding, a research-based professional
development program for adult education practitioners, developed by EFF and
National Center for Family Literacy and funded through the Partnership for

-Preparing for Careers in Sales and Service, a curriculum developed in
partnership with the National Retail Federation Foundation. Versions are
available for teachers of English speaking adults and of limited English
proficient adults

-Online courses in standards-based instruction and assessment with EFF and
in teaching math and reading with EFF standards and the EFF
Teaching/Learning cycle.

-Professional development in standards-based instruction and assessment,
customized to fit organizational needs.

-Publications, such as Hot Topics: Focus on Math (available late Fall
2004); Research to Practice Note 4: Assessment (available online in
October, 2004); and an EFF Handbook for Program Improvement: Using the EFF
Approach to Quality (available at

-EFF Facilitator Network and certification process, through which state and
national agencies and organizations build their own capacity to provide
professional development in standards-based instruction and assessment.

-A redesigned EFF portal website, through which all EFF resources and
services can be accessed (available in late October, 2004).

In addition, the EFF Center will continue to collaborate with SRI
International and the state workforce development agencies for the states
of New York, New Jersey, Florida, Washington, Rhode Island and the District
of Columbia in developing and piloting the EFF Work Readiness Credential.
And we'll be working with SRI, the Educational Testing Service, and ten
state adult education agencies to explore the feasibility of developing new
EFF assessments.

The Center's services and programs are managed by Diane Gardner, Acting
Director of the EFF Center, with assistance from Ginny Bleazey,
administrative assistant. Aaron Kohring oversees the EFF websites. Training
and technical assistance is provided by a cadre of national consultants and
by certified facilitators.

The Center for Literacy Studies is proud to continue to be the home of the
EFF Center for Training and Technical Assistance. Please let us know how we
can work with you in the coming year.

Jean J. Stephens, Director
Center for Literacy Studies
600 Henley St., Suite 312
Knoxville, TN 37996-4135
865-974-3857 Fax
jjstephe at

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