National Institute for Literacy

[NIFL-WORKPLACE] Registration Information for 8th National Workplace Peer Conference now available

Donna Brian djgbrian at
Mon Aug 9 14:44:34 EDT 2004

Workplace List Subscribers,

There is now a Website available with information and registration forms
for the Workplace Peer Conference. Please see the information below
forwarded from Jean Stephens, Center for Literacy Studies Director. Hope
to see you there!

Donna JG Brian
Moderator, NIFL Workplace Literacy Discussion List, and
Coordinator/Developer LINCS Workforce Education Special Collection at
Center for Literacy Studies at The University of Tennessee
600 Henley Street, Suite 312
Knoxville, TN 37996-4135

865-974-3420 (desk phone) FAX 865-974-3857
djgbrian at

>Danny Seal with Adult Education in Mississippi (and our new LINCS partner

>in Mississippi) has asked me to send the registration information for the

>Oct. 20-22 Workplace Peer Conference in Biloxi, MS. The information can

>be found at Please

>share this information with state staff, administrators, and teachers in

>your state. Thanks. Jean


>Jean J. Stephens, Director

>Center for Literacy Studies

>600 Henley St., Suite 312

>Knoxville, TN 37996-4135


>865-974-3857 Fax

>jjstephe at



>HUB2-NEWS mailing list



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