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2/28/2008 - Procedure Points
The “Medicare Trigger” — How Does it Work in the House?
Title VIII of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (P.L. 108-173) requires an annual report to Congress regarding the financial condition of Medicare.    more...
6/25/2007 - Procedure Points
The "New" Earmark Point of Order for Appropriations Conference Reports
On June 18, 2007, the House adopted H.Res. 491 by unanimous consent, correcting problems with the enforceability of the Democrats’ current point of order on earmarks (clause 9 of Rule XXI). It partially restores the enforceability of the earmark rule to where it was in the 109th Congress by providing a point of order against a conference report to accompany a regular general appropriations bill (debatable as a question of consideration) for the failure to include a list of “air dropped” earmarks in the joint statement of managers.   more...

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