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Questionnaires for FY2010 Requests

If you would like to submit a request to my office for Fiscal Year 2010 funding, please fill out the following questionnaires on your word processor and email along with all required supplemental materials to my office by February 20, 2009 (NOTE:  All Defense-related projects are due by February 13, 2009):

Questionnaire For all Transportation/HUD Requests (please fill out one for each project)

Questionnaire For all Water Infrastructure and Interior/Environment Requests (one for each project)

Questionnaire For all Defense Requests (Note: earlier deadline; Feb. 13th)

Questionnaire For all other Requests (Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, Science, Energy & Corps of Engineers, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Foreign Operations, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs)

Due to strict deadlines for which I am accountable, I cannot accept any requests or supplemental information after February 27, 2009.  Please call Andy Rowe (309-793-5760) in my Moline office or Janna Bergquist (202-225-5905) in my Washington, DC office if you have any questions or trouble with accessing the forms.