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  • Op-ed: U.S. cannot afford trade agreement

    Now that the election is over, the talk in Washington has shifted to a possible lame-duck session of Congress and the urgent need to revitalize our economy.
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  • Op-ed: On Veterans Day, Heed the Advice of Our First President

    George Washington once said, "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country."
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  • Op-ed: Why I voted 'yes'

    Imagine this: You are a small business owner who depends on a community bank to borrow for supplies and make your payroll.
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  • Op-ed: DoD made the wrong decision on air tanker

    Defense Secretary Robert Gates's announcement last month that he was suspending the Air Force's competition for a multi-billion-dollar aerial tanker contract ended a six-month fiasco that brought to light serious issues of economic and national security.
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  • Op-ed: Keeping Our Promise to a New Generation of Veterans

    On June 30, President Bush signed the GI Bill of Rights for the 21st Century, despite his early and vocal objections.
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  • Op-ed: Reducing veteran disability claims backlog, one step at a time

    When director of the Illinois Department of Veteran's Affairs Tammy Duckworth returned from Iraq missing both legs, the VA asked her for paperwork to prove the severity of her injuries. The utter lack of common sense in this one case is emblematic of a department that in recent years has too often overlooked the health care and disability needs of our veterans.
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  • Op-ed: Colombia FTA is a Bad Deal for Everyone Involved

    If we had been born in Colombia, we would probably be dead. That's right. As members of our respective labor unions, the fight for higher wages, better working conditions, and a secure pension could have cost us our lives.
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  • Op-ed: Let's have a capital bill in the New Year

    As we begin the New Year, we count our blessings and our challenges. And while there may be plenty of room to debate some issues, there should be no debate that the governor and the Illinois General Assembly need to pass a much-needed capital bill in 2008.
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  • Op-ed: Honor Our Veterans by Providing Them the Benefits They Deserve

    Veterans' Day is an opportunity to honor the brave men and women who wore our nation's uniform. America is stronger because of their sacrifice.
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  • Op-ed: Free trade must be fair trade

    In baseball, if the pitcher on one team must throw off of a mound 90 feet from home plate while his opponent is allowed to stand 30 feet closer, that is an uneven playing field. And if the umpire refuses to enforce any of the rules of the game, you have an all-around flawed process. The same fundamental principle goes for our trade policies–with much more serious consequences for the failure to require fairness. As such, Congress cannot support unfair trade agreements destined to outsource more American jobs to countries that systematically violate human rights. And we cannot defer to an Administration unwilling to hold any of the key players accountable for their actions.
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  • Op-ed: Immigration step one: Enforce the law

    As a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws, I believe we must take a balanced approach to solving the problem of illegal immigration. While the emotion displayed by all sides of this issue is understandable, rhetoric does not bring us closer to securing the border and bringing millions of undocumented immigrants out of the shadows. I believe we need to work together – Republicans, Democrats, and Independents – to find a solution that benefits all Americans.
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  • Op-ed: Remember Those Lost, Honor Those Living

    Dispatch-Argus, May 28, 2007 - Memorial Day is an important opportunity to honor those men and women who gave their lives while protecting our freedom. Since this nation's founding, America's soldiers have been staunch and steady defenders of our democracy.
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  • Op-ed: To Honor Fallen Workers, Strengthen OSHA for Future Generations

    Today, as people across the world celebrate the 19th annual Worker Memorial Day, we pay homage to those Americans who lost their lives, were injured in the workplace or suffered crippling diseases because of exposure at their jobs.
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  • Op-ed: 100 Hours package just beginning

    "Don't forget the little guy" was the slogan of my campaign and I have adopted that philosophy as a member of Congress. After completing just my second week on the job, I am proud to report that the House of Representatives has already passed a number of common-sense proposals to improve the everyday lives of the "little guy" and all other Americans.
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