Healthcare for Children

January 16, 2009

Dear Friend,

With our economy in recession, more and more working families are struggling to afford health care. This week, Congress took long overdue action to cover additional uninsured children by expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The bill passed by a bipartisan vote of 289-139.

The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 will provide health coverage for 4 million additional low-income children, including 159,000 in Illinois. Since its creation in 1997, SCHIP has succeeded in providing health care for children of families whose incomes are too high to qualify for Medicaid but too low to buy private insurance.

In the 110th Congress, I voted twice to expand SCHIP but both measures were vetoed by President Bush. Fortunately, there is a new sheriff in town. President-elect Barack Obama understands that we have a moral obligation to provide our children with the best health care possible.

The current recession makes enactment of this legislation even more critical. Millions of uninsured children are currently forced to use the emergency room as a primary care provider, raising premiums for all Americans.  SCHIP coverage makes it easier for parents to seek preventive care for their children and helps lower overall health care costs for working families.

I will be urging the Senate to take quick action on this bill.


This week, I also launched a YouTube page so you can view videos of me on the House floor and in media interviews. I hope this will serve as another resource to help us stay in touch. Click here to see my YouTube channel. You can subscribe to my videos and post comments.


Whether you are attending in person or just watching on TV, I hope you enjoy President-elect Barack Obama’s Inauguration. He will take office under trying times: a recession, two wars, and more and more working families struggling to make ends meet. But President-elect Obama has the intellect, temperament, and patriotism necessary to get the job done. I have great optimism about the next 4 years and look forward to working with our new President.


Phil Hare
Member of Congress