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Midwest Schools Disaster Recovery Act (H.R. 6733)

The Midwest was hit hard by record flooding during this past summer, and flood damage to schools alone is expected to reach nearly $100 million.

As a result, some schools are closed for the current school year, and those that were able to open their doors are concerned about overcoming many of the hurdles ahead on the road to recovery. Many schools will see an influx of flood-displaced students, while others will face financial challenges due to the loss of students, and a decline in property values.

To address short- and long-term needs, immediate education disaster assistance for flood-impacted schools is necessary to ensure that students continue to receive a quality education in the aftermath of this disaster.

I introduced the Midwest Schools Disaster Recovery Act, H.R. 6733, to assist affected schools. Similar to legislation passed following Hurricane Katrina, H.R. 6733, would provide flood-impacted schools in the Midwest with disaster aid and flexibility to meet NCLB requirements.

Click here to see the status and cosponsors of H.R. 6733

Phil's Letter to Chairman Obey on H.R. 6733 ( 09/17/08 01:42 PM PST )