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Topic: Home > Policies > Defense

Joint Statement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea
President George W. Bush and President Kim Dae-jung of the Republic of Korea today reaffirmed the fundamental .. - 21.0KB
07 Mar 01
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Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
By the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3 of the .. - 4.2KB
05 Mar 01
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Remarks by the President Upon Arrival at Langley Air Force Base--Hampton, VA
THE PRESIDENT: We've assembled the finest national security team of any administration. We understand our job is to .. - 4.4KB
04 Mar 01
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President Bush Speaks at Christening Ceremony for the USS Ronald Reagan
THE PRESIDENT: Looking at the bow of this great ship, we think of those who will sail it, and of those who built it, and .. - 12.9KB
04 Mar 01
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Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the ..
August 25, 2000, President Clinton provided a report to the Congress regarding the continued deployment of U.S. .. - 6.2KB
02 Mar 01
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Remarks by the President and Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony Principi During Swearing ...
THE PRESIDENT: Today we honor a man, and swear-in a man, who has served his country in many ways. Tony Principi .. - 5.8KB
02 Mar 01
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Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
MR. FLEISCHER: Good afternoon. Let me begin with a few announcements. Foreign visitor. President Bush and .. - 46.6KB
02 Mar 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 18. Department of Defense
Summarizes the budget's vision as it pertains to the Department of Defense. - 11.0KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 6. Revitalize National Defense
Describes the budget's major policy initiative to revitalize national defense. - 9.4KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 29. Department of Veterans Affairs
Summarizes the budget's vision as it pertains to the Department of Veterans Affairs. - 10.1KB
28 Feb 01
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