
Ross Leads Fight in House to Provide Health Insurance to America's Children

WASHINGTON - U.S. Representative Mike Ross (AR-04) today helped pass the bipartisan State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Reauthorization Act, H.R. 2, which ensures vital health insurance for over 11 million American children.  The bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote 289 to 139.

“Covering our uninsured children with quality health care and making it both affordable and accessible should always be a top priority,” said Ross.  “This critical legislation would strengthen the State Children’s Health Insurance Program to extend vital health care to over 11 million low-income, American children – including almost 90,000 Arkansas children.”

The bipartisan State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Reauthorization Act, H.R. 2 is more commonly known in Arkansas as AR Kids First.  The legislation now moves to the Senate for consideration and is anticipated to be one of the first bills presented to President Obama when he assumes office.  President Bush has vetoed similar legislation twice.

“There is nothing more critical than providing our nation’s children with a healthy start in life,” said Ross.  “We face tough economic times and this legislation helps provide vital health insurance to children of the many working parents who are at jobs with no benefits or who cannot afford coverage. It is my hope that the Senate and President Obama will understand the critical needs of our children and work together to enact this bill into law because one child without health care in this country is one too many.”

Currently, 7 million children have health coverage under S-CHIP which is set to expire in March 2009. S-CHIP was established with broad bipartisan support in 1997 by President Clinton and a Republican-led Congress. Since its foundation, the program has reduced the number of uninsured children by one-third nationwide. In Arkansas alone, the percentage of uninsured children has dropped from 22 percent in 1997 to 10 percent in 2007.

As a state Senator, Ross helped pass AR Kids First.  Currently providing health insurance coverage to 70,000 Arkansas children, today’s SCHIP expansion will allow AR Kids First to increase coverage to almost 20,000 more children in Arkansas.

Additional provisions of H.R. 2 include:

  • Improves care and strengthens funding.  The bill invests billions in new funding over five years in SCHIP in order to strengthen SCHIP’s financing; increases health care coverage for low-income, uninsured children; and improves the quality of health care children receive.
  • Provides resources for states to reach uninsured children who are today eligible for SCHIP and Medicaid but not yet enrolled.  Two-thirds of uninsured children are currently eligible for coverage through SCHIP or Medicaid – but better outreach and adequate funding are needed to identify and enroll them.  This bill gives states the resources and incentives necessary to reach and cover millions of uninsured children who are eligible for, but not enrolled in, SCHIP and Medicaid.      
  • Improves SCHIP benefits – ensuring dental coverage and mental health parity.  Under the bill, quality dental coverage will now be provided to all children enrolled in SCHIP.  The bill also ensures that states will offer mental health services on par with medical and surgical benefits covered under SCHIP.

