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Wenatchee Valley Medical Center


Fast Facts

  • Some in Congress are pushing a proposal that would put doctor-owned hospitals, like the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center, out of business

  • The proposal that would outlaw Wenatchee Valley Medical Center as it’s existed for 67 years is very much alive

  • In August it passed the House as part of the SCHIP bill.

  • In March it passed the House as part of a mental health bill
  • In April the Senate proposed it as a way to pay for increased spending in the Farm Bill.

  • Any bill containing this proposal needs to be blocked, defeated or changed to protect the care provided across Eastern Washington

  • Congress should act to increase health care choices, not shut down hospitals and block them from expanding                          

          The threat in Congress to the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center and its clinics remains very real and very serious.  A proposal being pushed by House Democrat leaders and committee chairmen would prohibit hospitals, like the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center, that are more than 40 percent owned by doctors from being paid for treating Medicare and Medicaid patients.  With half of the Medical Center’s care being provided to Medicare and Medicaid patients, eliminating these payments would be devastating.  Even if ownership was sold to a corporation in order to comply, the policy would prevent the Medical Center from ever growing to provide more care.

         The proposal was first included in a House-passed State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) bill in August 2007.  While everything unrelated to children's health care was ultimately removed from that bill, six months later Democrat leaders tried again by attaching the ban on doctor owned hospitals to a mental health bill.  The House passed version of the mental health bill would threaten the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center.  In April 2008 Senate Democrats attempted to include the provision in the Farm Bill. 

         Democrat leaders have promised action in 2009 on proposals that would outlaw the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center.  Congressman Hastings continues working with his colleagues in Congress to make certain that this proposal is defeated and health care access is protected. 

Working to Protect Wenatchee Valley Medical Center

  • Click here to watch Hastings speak on House floor about impact of policy that would threaten Wenatchee Valley Medical Center
  • Click here to read about Hastings’ efforts to fix August SCHIP bill that would have required closure of Wenatchee Valley Medical Center
  • Click here for statement opposing House-passed health bill
  • Click here to read Hastings’ column: Protecting Local Hospitals and Seniors Access to Health Care
  • Click here to read Hastings’ column: Health Care for America’s Neediest Children Must be Priority
  • Click here to read about Hastings’ speech to the Moses Lake Rotary about protecting the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center and its clinics
  • Click here to read about attempts to draft Medicare legislation without public scrutiny.
  • Click here to read a letter Hastings sent to key lawmakers urging them to abandon proposals that would outlaw the Medical Center.
  • Click here to read a letter Hastings sent to the Governor urging her to help protect the Medical Center.
  • Click here to watch Hastings Speak on House floor in opposition to mental health bill that would outlaw the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center.
  • Click here to read about the threat to the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center in Mental health legislation.
  • Click here to read about the threat to the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center in the Senate Farm Bill.
  • Hastings Urges Lawmakers to Protect Wenatchee Valley Medical Center in Farm Bill.
  • Senate Proposes Closing WVMC in Farm Bill - Hastings: "Gravest threat yet to Medical Center."
  • Murray, Cantwell and Hastings Visit the WVMC in August 2008

About the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center

  • Based in Wenatchee with clinics in Cashmere, East Wenatchee, Moses Lake, Omak, Oroville, Royal City and Tonasket
  • Founded in 1940 by three doctors seeking to care for the underserved 
  • Serves population of a quarter million people in an area the size of the State of Maryland

  • Treats 150,000 patients a year and employs over 1,500

  • Click here to learn more

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