National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 792] New Adult Literacy Journal: Cross Post

Daphne Greenberg alcdgg at
Tue Apr 17 09:31:51 EDT 2007

List colleagues,

If you are a subscriber to multiple NIFL lists, please excuse the cross
posting of this message. On behalf of Don Harting, the editor of the
Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal, I would like to announce the

New Literacy Journal Launched

The first issue of the Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal,
copublished by the Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE) and
ProLiteracy America, was launched in March.
The journal’s predecessor, Adult Basic Education, was started by COABE
in 1977. The new journal will continue to carry research articles that
are peer reviewed using a double blind protocol that conceals reviewers’
identities from authors, and vice versa.
The journal will also include the following shorter features written
especially for practitioners:
• Practitioner Perspective offers first-person narratives by
people who’ve solved problems that instructors or program directors
often encounter. The emphasis is on learnings that can be used by other
• Web Scan, edited by David Rosen, offers a roundup of the most
useful instructional and management resources found on the Internet.
• Research Digest, edited by Cristine Smith, offers a quick recap
of published and ongoing research projects around the country, with
contact information so interested readers can find out more.
• Resource Reviews, edited by Daphne Greenberg, help practitioners
and researchers stay abreast of the latest offerings from educational
• Occasional essays, called Viewpoint, that analyze trends and
forces at work in the field. The March issue carries an essay on health
literacy by Rima Rudd. The July issue will carry an essay on the
national research agenda by John Comings.

The journal is published three times per year. To subscribe, or to view
author guidelines, visit For more information, send an
e-mail to journaleditor at

Daphne Greenberg
Georgia State University

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