National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 688] COABE sessions announcement

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Tue Mar 20 14:42:49 EDT 2007


Attached is a list of the National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) and
LINCS sessions that will be offered next week at COABE in Philadelphia.
If you are going, please consider attending one of these sessions. We
are extremely interested in getting your feedback and ideas on the
projects that are developed and run by the National Institute for
Literacy, and this would be a great opportunity for this.

There is a session on using research in your practice, as well as
reports by distinguished researchers on their work in adult reading

One of the sessions will discuss the new Regional Resource Center
Collections that are now being developed. Some of you may be familiar
with the former version of the Special Collections that were previously
sponsored by the Institute. This is your opportunity to help shape and
define the content of the Collections - which will be developed and
maintained for your use.

In terms of the Discussion Lists, you are a captive audience, but by
your own choice, so you must be getting something useful out of being on
a NIFL List. We really want to know what that is and how we might be
able to improve the experience for you. Below is more of a description
of the session on Using the Discussion Lists as Professional
Development. Ok, it is also meant to entice you. :-)

Looking forward to seeing you at COABE next week.


Marie Cora
<mailto:marie.cora at> marie.cora at
NIFL Assessment Discussion List Moderator
Coordinator, LINCS Assessment Special Collection


Going to COABE this year? Interested in learning how you can use your
computer for your own and your staff's professional development!? Then
please join us for our double session:

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Learning: Using the National Institute
for Literacy's Discussion Lists as Professional Development
Presenters: Jackie Taylor, Adult Literacy Professional
Development List
Daphne Greenberg, Poverty, Race, Women & Literacy Discussion List
Marie Cora, Assessment Discussion List

Tuesday, March 27
Salon 3
1:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Why attend?

It's a chance to meet 3 NIFL Moderators (and perhaps more!)
It's a chance for us to meet some subscribers
It's a chance for us to get your immediate ideas and feedback on the
NIFL Discussion Lists , how you use them, and how you would like to use

It's a Double Session!

Session I will teach you how to most effectively interface with the
technology so you are adept at using it. Hands-on opportunities for
customizing subscriptions and interacting with the discussion lists will
be provided.

Session II focuses on how you can use the Lists as professional
development. Tools and strategies will be shared and provided that can
help you develop and carry out your own PD plan - for yourself, or for

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