National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 576] Re: Opinions and thoughts about using Work KeysforAdult Literacy Students

Melinda Hefner mhefner at
Thu Jan 11 13:12:54 EST 2007

Thanks so much!


>>> "Limkemann, Karen" <Karen.Limkemann at> 01/10/07 11:07 AM >>>

Melinda,To the best of my knowledge there is only one form of the WorkKeys assessment. It is designed as a screening tool for employment purposes so that employers will have some assurance of an applicant’s skill level in the different areas. Also, at least in Indiana, there is no way to score the test locally. They are all sent in to ACT for scoring.The test does not break down specific skill sets; for instance fractions or percentages. Also, in adult education programs tied to the National Reporting System, Work Keys is not listed among acceptable assessments. The KeyTrain software program does allow for some diagnostics regarding specific skills but we use the TABE in addition to information that can be pulled from KeyTrain when creating a adult learning plan (ALP) with a student. In Indiana the state testing policy for adult ed allows only TABE or CASAS.Some state are creating employability certifications based on Work Keys but again that is for employment purposes rather than an educational credential such as GED or high school graduation test.Karen
From: Melinda Hefner [mailto:mhefner at]
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:46 AM
To: The Assessment Discussion List
Subject: [Assessment 572] Re: Opinions and thoughts about using Work KeysforAdult Literacy Students
Karen, thank you so much for this response. You say that WorkKeys is not diagnostic in nature and that you would hesitate to use it as a pre-post test tool. Can you elaborate? I would really, really appreciate it.


Melinda M. Hefner
Director, Literacy Support Services

Basic Skills Department
Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
2855 Hickory Blvd.
Hudson, North Carolina 28638
Office: (828) 726-2245
FAX: (828) 726-2266

>>> "Limkemann, Karen" <Karen.Limkemann at> 01/10/07 9:13 AM >>>

We use KeyTrain heavily with ABE, GED, and ESL but do not have access to WorkKeys. The workforce development folks handle that testing in Indiana. We have found KeyTrain to be a great tool for a variety of folks. You might want to contact someone in Michigan. It seems I heard that they are going to use WorkKeys as a high school exit exam. I would hesitate to use it as a pre-post tool as it is not diagnostic in nature.Karen LimkemannThe Literacy Alliance Fort Wayne, IN
From: Melinda Hefner [mailto:mhefner at]
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 5:31 PM
To: assessment at
Subject: [Assessment 569] Re: Opinions and thoughts about using Work Keysfor Adult Literacy Students
oops....sorry for the it's/its!!!!!! :-(

>>> "Melinda Hefner" <mhefner at> 01/09/07 4:18 PM >>>I apologize in advance if this duplicates a recent question/discussion, but I hope you will let me know your opinions and thoughts about using Work Keys as an assessment tool for ABE, GED, and Adult High School students. Pros? Cons? Recommend it's use? Recommend it's conditional use? Don't recommend it?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Melinda M. Hefner
Director, Literacy Support Services

Basic Skills Department
Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
2855 Hickory Blvd.
Hudson, North Carolina 28638
Office: (828) 726-2245
FAX: (828) 726-2266

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