National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 952] Obstacles to GED Creativity and How to Overcome them

djrosen at djrosen at
Wed Oct 10 10:56:11 EDT 2007

Assessment Colleagues,

Several obstacles to GED program creativity have been mentioned, and there are are others. I would be interested in hearing how creative GED practitioners have overcome each of these challenges. I hope those who have solutions will pick one or more of these challenges and address them in this discussion. How have you pushed back the pressure for GED programs to be primarily test preparation, not substantive learning? How have you successfully addressed these constraints?

1) Students' determination to pass the test in the shortest time possible
2) Students' holding the goal "getting the GED" as an unexamined act of faith that this is what they need that "having the certificate or diploma" will meet their needs
3) Students' belief that "real school" looks just like the often failed) schools they have attended, traditional models of schooling
4) Teachers' lack of experience (and therefore discomfort) with creative teaching such as theme-based or project-based learning
5) Accountability for "GED outcomes" within a short time period from funders at the national, state and/or local level.
6) Other obstacles or constraints, especially those that are unique to GED Preparation programs or, Adult Secondary Education.

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

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Subject: [Assessment 951] GED: What you need to know
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