Office of Biological and Environmental Research Weekly Report

December 15, 2008


New Genome-Based Tools Improve Description of Uranium Bioreduction in the Environment.  Environmental microbes play an important role in the remediation of contaminants such as uranium by converting them from mobile to immobile forms.  However, we do not have accurate or reliable tools to predict the role that microbes will play in remediation of contaminants at a site.  Researchers at the University of Massachusetts have developed a genome-enabled approach for assessing the metal-reducing activity of members of the Geobacter family involved in acetate stimulated uranium reduction in the environment.  This new approach couples laboratory studies with in silico modeling of microbial metabolism and gene expression (mRNA) analyses from the dominant Geobacter species at a site to explain how the microbes respond to acetate injected into the subsurface to stimulate uranium reduction.  The new tools can, for example, provide crucial data on rates of acetate uptake useful in mechanistic, in silico, models of microbial growth and activity.  The current study is an example of how genome-enabled studies of environmentally-relevant microbes can lead to more mechanistic descriptions of microbial metabolism in the environment.

Reference: Microbiology, 2008, vol 154:2589-2599. 

Media Interest: No

Contact: Robert T.  Anderson, SC-23.1, (301) 903-5549


Cover Article in Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) Features DOE BioEnergy Research Center (BESC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).  The December 8, 2008 edition of C&EN provides extensive coverage of DOE’s bioenergy research.  The cover story, “Genes to Gasoline,” focuses on ORNL research to covert biomass to fuels by efficient and economical processes.  The article explains challenges to the biological production of biofuels, especially the recalcitrance of lignocellulosic material to degradation.  Martin Keller, BESC Director, and Brian Davison and Charles Wyman, BESC scientists, are quoted.  Other DOE-funded scientists conducting biofuels research are also mentioned.  The shortcomings of current biomass pretreatment and conversion options are described as a backdrop for BESC’s research programs to develop a one-pot process (combining biomass deconstruction and fuel synthesis in one reactor vessel), a capability to conduct high throughput screening of potential biomass samples, and the opportunity to discover microbes with new enzymes in locations such as hot pools in Yellowstone.  The role of DOE’s Joint Genome Institute in facilitating this research is described.  The cover shows a fluorescence micrograph of a switchgrass cross section. 


The cover story “Genes to Gasoline,” by Steve Ritter, for the December 8 issue is at:


The cover shows a micrograph of switchgrass credited to DOE/NREL/BESC:





Media Interest:  No

Contact: Roland Hirsch, SC23.2, (301) 903-9009; John Houghton, SC23.2,

(301) 903-8288


Training the Next Generation of Scientists in Advanced Data Assimilation Techniques.  The use and analysis of complex data sets is an integral part of many scientific disciplines today including climate modeling.  DOE-funded researcher

Professor Eugenia Kalnay organized an Intensive Course on Data Assimilation at the School of Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and the Center for Atmospheric and Ocean Research.  Approximately 100 young scientists were provided a solid foundation to understand current approaches for in situ and remotely sensed data assimilation  Following the training course, an international workshop on ‘Ensemble Kalman Filter Inter-comparisons’ was held at the same venue November 10-13, 2008, to encourage scientific discussions to better understand data assimilation methods used by current researchers in the field and to engage the next generation of scientists.  The workshop focused on intercomparisons of two widely-used data assimilation methods, incorporating both theoretical considerations as well as practical implementations, with a special emphasis on atmospheric data assimilation.  The discussions should provide a solid scientific basis underpinning decisions by meteorological agencies.




Media Interest: No

Contact: Anjuli Bamzai, SC-23.1, (301) 903-0294


Hybrid Numerical Methods Improve Computer Modeling of Geochemical Processes.  Geochemically important reactions governing the transport of contaminants in groundwater are often influenced by processes occurring at very small scales (microscales).  Simulating and extrapolating these phenomena to larger scales is computationally inefficient.  Hybrid numerical methods can improve extrapolation from microscale process models to coarser scale models by coupling the models only where needed rather than across the entire computational domain thereby improving computational efficiency.  Researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, and the University of California/San Diego describe the use of hybrid numerical methods to simulate mineral precipitation in a mixing front between two geochemically reactive solutions.  The results have important implications for linking microscale mechanisms influencing the mobility and reactivity of contaminants in groundwater to field scale predictions of contaminant transport.  This work is jointly funded by Biological and Environmental Research and Advanced Scientific Computing Research under the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) program. 


Reference: SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING, 2008, 30 (6): 2799-2816.


Media Interest: No

Contact: Robert T.  Anderson, SC-23.4, (301) 903-5549