For Your Information: February 27, 2007

Commission Approves Application for Proposed Divestiture in Matter of General Dynamics/SNC; FTC Approves Federal Register Notices on Office of International Affairs

Commission approval of application for proposed divestiture: Following a public comment period, the Commission has approved a petition from General Dynamics Corporation related to its recent acquisition of SNC Technologies (SNC). Under the terms of an agreement and order with the FTC, to ensure the maintenance of competition in the U.S. and Canadian market for melt-pour load, assemble, and pack (LAP) services, General Dynamics is required to divest its 50 percent interest in American Ordnance LLC (AO). Through its petition, General Dynamics requested Commission approval to divest its interest in AO to Day & Zimmerman, Inc. (DZI), or one or more direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries of DZI. As noted in the press release announcing the agreement and order, DZI currently owns the other 50 percent interest in AO, which operates the Milan Army Ammunition Plant (AAP) in Tennessee and the AAP in Middletown, Iowa.

By a vote of 5-0, the Commission has now approved the proposed divestiture to DZI. (FTC Docket No. C-4181; the staff contact is Roberta S. Baruch, Bureau of Competition, 202-326-2861; see press release dated December 28, 2006.)

Commission approval of Federal Register notices: The Commission has approved the publication of two Federal Register notices regarding the newly formed Office of International Affairs, both of which are available now on the FTC’s Web site and will be published in the Federal Register soon. As detailed in the first notice, the Commission is updating the agency’s description of its organization and activities in Part 0 of its Rule of Practice to include this new office. The Rules will be updated to include the name and functions of the office. As the changes relate solely to the agency’s organization, procedure, or practice, public comments are not required before the rule change is implemented. The second notice announces the Commission’s delegation of authority to the Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection to share information with certain law enforcement agencies in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Spain, as well as delegating authority to the Director of International Affairs to execute confidentiality agreements with certain foreign agencies, as a condition of their being granted access to nonpublic databases. These delegations include authority previously delegated to the Associate Director for International Consumer Protection.

The Commission vote authorizing the publication of each notice in the Federal Register was 5-0. (File No. P07214; staff contact is Lisa M. Harrison, Office of the General Counsel, 202-326-3204; see related press release dated February 5, 2007.)

Copies of the documents mentioned in this release are available from the FTC’s Web site at and from the FTC’s Consumer Response Center, Room 130, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20580. Call toll-free: 1-877-FTC-HELP.


Office of Public Affairs

Last Modified: Monday, 25-Jun-2007 16:25:00 EDT