Assessment Information

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Alternative Assessment

Alternative Assessment
  • Find or add resources related to alternative assessment.
  • Read excerpts from discussions that focus on alternative assessment, originally held in the National Institute for Literacy Assessment discussion forum (an electronic list or "listserv") .

Commercially Available Assessment Tools

Commercially Available Assessment Tools
  • View specific information on commercial assessment tools including ABLE, BEST, CASAS, DAR, TABE.
  • Read discussion excerpts related to specific commercial tests, including discussions that focus on the commercial tools listed above, from a discussion originally held in the National Institute for Literacy Assessment discussion forum.


Read or add to the following discussions which were originally held on the National Institute for Literacy Assessment discussion list ("listserv").

Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment


  • classroom assessment ideas from colleagues
  • examples of tools and processes used in formative assessment
  • a listing of on-line resources for formative assessment
  • samples of IEPs


  • Add your own!!


Assessment Glossary


Assessment Metaphors
  • Read or add to Assessment Metaphors.


Assessment Questions
  • Post your question about assessment here.

Selecting Assessment Tools

Selecting Assessment Tools

Make informed choices!

  • Read or add to a guiding set of questions for selecting assessment tools.
  • View resources on the web related to guidelines for selecting, administering, and taking tests.


Assessment Weblinks