National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 820] Fwd: TORCHLIGHTS IN ESL - New CAAL Paper

Gail Spangenberg gspangenberg at
Mon Jun 4 12:38:45 EDT 2007

NOTE: The earlier posting of this news release carried an incorrect
linking address for the CAAL web site. The necessary correction has
been made in the copy forwarded here. BH

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Gail Spangenberg <gspangenberg at>

> Date: June 4, 2007 10:23:42 AM EDT

> To: assessment at, The Adult English Language Learners

> Discussion List <englishlanguage at>,

> familyliteracy at, professionaldevelopment at,

> povertyracewomen at, technology at, workplace at,

> National Literacy Advocacy List sponsored by AAACE <aaace-

> nla at>, library-lit at

> Subject: TORCHLIGHTS IN ESL - New CAAL Paper



> MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2007, NEW YORK, N.Y. -- The Council for

> Advancement of Adult Literacy today releases TORCHLIGHTS IN ESL:

> Five Community College Profiles. The publication is a supplement to

> PASSING THE TORCH: Strategies for Innovation in Community College

> ESL -- the result of a two-year CAAL study by Forrest P. Chisman

> and JoAnn Crandall, published in March 2007. Both projects were

> made possible by support from the William and Flora Hewlett

> Foundation, Harold W. McGraw, Jr., The McGraw-Hill Companies,

> Inc., the Ford Foundation, and the Dollar General Corporation.


> TORCHLIGHTS, 123 pages, gives detailed profiles of the ESL programs

> of each of the five colleges at the heart of CAAL's study. It was

> authored by Elizabeth Zachry & Emily Dibble (Bunker Hill Community

> College, MA), Sharon Seymour (City College of San Francisco, CA),

> Suzanne Leibman (College of Lake County, IL), Sandy Ares & Beth

> Larson (Seminole Community College, FL), and Pamela Ferguson

> (Yakima Community College, WA). The profiles, especially if read

> in conjunction with CAAL's main research report, should be helpful

> to those who design and operate community college ESL programs as

> well as to policy makers and funding agencies. For example, they

> each contain a discussion of the financing and levels of funding

> needed to provide high quality adult ESL services.


> The five programs profiled in TORCHLIGHTS offer extraordinarily

> high quality ESL instruction. They are considered exemplary

> according to standards and criteria developed in the CAAL research

> project and as judged by dozens of professionals across the country

> who nominated the programs for inclusion in the study. CAAL

> promised in releasing PASSING THE TORCH that it would publish

> detailed profiles of the programs. The release of TORCHLIGHTS makes

> good on that promise.


> The main research report focuses on noncredit ESL services. It

> concentrates on generating learning gains, retaining students, and

> bringing about transitions to future education. Among the effective

> strategies examined are high intensity instruction, learning

> outside the classroom, and the use of "learner-centered"

> curricular. Special attention is given to curricular integration,

> coenrollment, vocational ESL (VESL), and the Spanish GED. Issues of

> faculty training, development, and quality are examined, and

> recommendations are given for "engineering innovation" in ESL

> colleges and programs. Funding and assessment issues are also treated.


> To access the free PDF version of TORCHLIGHTS, click on the link

> provided above. Bound copies may be purchased directly from CAAL

> ($25 plus postage and delivery, contact bheitner at for

> ordering instructions). Many other publications from CAAL, and from

> the National Commission on Adult Literacy, are available in PDF

> form at the CAAL web site ( All may be used freely

> with attribution.




Gail Spangenberg
Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy
1221 Avenue of the Americas - 46th Fl
New York, NY 10020
212-512-2362, F: 212-512-2610

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