National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 811] DARE TO DREAM - from National Commission on Adult Literacy

Gail Spangenberg gspangenberg at
Thu May 24 13:34:44 EDT 2007

NEWS RELEASE -- May 24, 2007, New York, NY -- On behalf of the
National Commission on Adult Literacy, the Commission's chairman,
study director, and CAAL are today releasing DARE TO DREAM: A
Collection of Papers from a Resource Group of 102 Adult Education and
Literacy Professionals. This document was one of several
presentations prepared for the April 17, 2007 meeting of the
Commission. While it does not necessarily reflect conclusions of the
Commission at this stage in its ongoing work, the Commission is
pleased to make this material available as a public service. The
papers that make up this collection were developed in response to
questions posed in several thematic areas (indicated in the
publication). They reflect the ideas, insights, cautions, and
recommendations of 102 education and literacy leaders whose
participation was facilitated by a team of 10 group leaders. The
group was challenged to "think outside the box," to imagine systemic
changes that would be required to expand adult education and literacy
service beyond the 3 million or so presently served in publicly
funded programs to many times that number, and to do so to a high
standard of quality.

DARE TO DREAM is available in PDF format at the CAAL website, (scroll down from the top of the middle column at the
homepage). It may also be purchased directly from CAAL ($25 each plus
postage, bheitner at caalusa for ordering instructions).

DARE TO DREAM is the second in a series of recent Commission
resources being made publicly available. "Mounting Pressures Facing
the U.S. Workforce and the Increasing Need for Adult Education and
Literacy" was prepared for the Commission by Dennis Jones and Patrick
Kelly of the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems
was released on May 21, 2007 and can also be downloaded from the CAAL
website. In the near future, two other presentations developed for
the April 17th meeting will be made available: a DVD presentation by
Mark Tucker, president of the National Center for Education and the
Economy, and a presentation from labor economist Andrew Sum.

Principle funders of the National Commission on Adult Literacy are
The Dollar General Corporation (in the lead role at $1 million), The
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (through both grant and in-kiind
support), and Harold W. McGraw, Jr.

Gail Spangenberg
Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy
1221 Avenue of the Americas - 46th Fl
New York, NY 10020
212-512-2362, F: 212-512-2610

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