National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 774] Re: Using Data for Program Improvement

Katrina Hinson KHinson at
Thu Apr 19 19:14:07 EDT 2007

I don't know if anyone has raised this question but one of the things I
know myself and the testing coordinator at my school are concerned with
is the fact that we don't get to count gains made if a person goes from
the M level TABE to the D level TABE. We use versions 9 and 10. I had a
student who scored around 9.0 or so on the M level Reading which we
question in and of itself in terms of validity. He's at the point where
we're supposed to retest him. He'd tested on the D level in math the
first time and he's been regularly attending and regulary working on his
goals. He went from the 9.0 on the M level test which is moderately hard
in reading to a 7.7 on the D level test which is difficult. Because he
DROPPED in terms of grade level, it's not counted as a level
completion...even though he actually went from M to D...which one would
think would also qualify as a level.

Has anyone else had this happen and if so, what are your suggestions.

Katrina Hinson

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