National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 729] data for program improvement

Karen Mundie kmundie at
Tue Apr 17 13:01:39 EDT 2007

Sorry, I'm entering the discussion a bit late. My email has been
asnarl for the last couple of days.

I am, like Sandy Struck, a product of Pennsylvania's program
improvement process, Project Equal, and I was for a number of years a
trainer in using data for decision making. The heart of this training
was to help programs to describe, in detail, an area for improvement
within their program, to ask a question based on that particular
area of concern, to look at program data that related to the problem
area, to come to some conclusions based on the data, and then to take
actions that would result in program improvement. This sounds very
simple, but in fact, it was a hard road for all of us, and there were
difficulties at every step.

In the beginning people (most of us) tended to ask questions that
were too broad (or too narrow) or too vague, and we tended to look at
aggregated data only --and even when there was data enough to draw
conclusions from, our action plans often seemed to have little
relation to those conclusions. In short, learning to use data for
program improvement was a surprisingly slow process, and involved the
creation of a habit of mind that was not at all "second nature" to
most of our program directors and their staffs.

I think that our tendency now is to think that using data for making
program decisions is just common sense--but I think it's a more
complex issue. And one that has implications for professional
development at all levels.

I would say that over time some of the programs I worked with
developed the habit of using data for decision making, and that
others reverted back to decision making by intuition--as Sandy said
there's rarely a dearth of opinions in our programs.

Karen Mundie
Associate Director
Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council
100 Sheridan Square, 4th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
412 661-7323 (ext 101)
kmundie at

GPLC - Celebrating 25 years of literacy, 1982-2007

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