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Depicted Special Use Airspace (SUA) and Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace (ATCAA) data may not be complete. Pilots should use this information for planning purposes only. For the latest SUA information, call your local Flight Service Station at 1-800-WX-BRIEF. Information concerning ATCAA airspace can be obtained from the associated Air Route Traffic Control Center.
Website Clarification: All start and end times are displayed in Zulu time.

Website Update: The ATCAA checkbox is no longer checked by default within the Map Query section of the SUA Map or Airports tabbed pages. Click ATCAAs under Airspace Types to view within the map display.

Click here for the legal description of Special Use Airspace and their Published Times of Use.


Welcome to the FAA Special Use Airspace & Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace Website

View SUA/ATCAA listings that are Active or scheduled to be Active within 24 hours.

Select the SUA List tab to display a list of schedule data. The list may be sorted and filtered.
Select the SUA Map tab to display a graphical map view of the scheduled areas. Included is a list of all schedules that interact with the area depicted by the map.
Select the Airports tab to display a graphical map view of an airport or designated trip.

Federal Aviation Administration   |   800 Independence Avenue, SW   |   Washington DC, 20591

Help Desk: Hours of Operation 8:00am - 4:30pm, EST, Monday - Friday, Phone: 703-326-3755, Fax: 703-326-3896