
For Immediate Release
October 28, 2008

Contact: William Marshall, Jr.
(202) 225-7924

Congresswoman Laura Richardson Returns to Washington, DC for Special House Committee Hearing

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Rep. Laura Richardson has been called back to Washington, DC, to participate as a member of the vital House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, to review ways in which infrastructure investment can contribute to a job creating economic recovery package. Last week, Secretary Paulson and President Bush acknowledge the need for an additional economic stimulus. The hearing will address infrastructure within the jurisdiction of the Committee including highways, bridges, public transportation, rail, aviation, ports, waterways, and wastewater treatment facilities. 

“In 1935, Congress and President Roosevelt joined together to build American infrastructure, put people back to work and re-invent the depressed economy.  Today, in my District, the unemployment rate surpasses the national average with Long Beach at 7.6% and Compton at 14.1%,” said Congresswoman Richardson.  “There are many highway and bridge projects that are ready to be awarded and implemented within the next quarter in California.  With unemployment numbers above the national average and rising, we cannot wait for the economy to fix itself.  History tells us working people fuel our economy. For every $1 billion spent on transportation and infrastructure --- over 35,000 jobs are created.  I intend to advocate on behalf of the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) and Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to make sure we get our fair share.”


In the past, Congresswoman Richardson was been a strong supporter of Economic Recovery and Job Creation packages that included $12.8 billion in highway infrastructure funding.   


“I return to Washington, DC to continue to work on fiscally sound economic recovery legislation, establish benchmarks for solid employment in our areas, and to develop programs to eliminate high unemployment to meet the urgent needs of my community,” said Congresswoman Richardson.


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Washington DC - 2233 Rayburn HOB - Washington, DC 20515 - ph. (202) 225-7924 - fx: (202) 225-7926