
For Immediate Release
July 2, 2008

Contact: William Marshall, Jr.
(202) 225-7924

Congresswoman Richardson Exceeds Federal Funding Levels; $7 Million initially included in the House Appropriations Bill for the 37th  Congressional District

WASHINGTON U.S. Rep. Laura Richardson has not only maintained appropriations at the level it has been over the years, but has exceeded funding levels than in previous years for critical health, education, and infrastructure projects in House of Representatives, Appropriations spending bills.   This is the first step in insuring that critical federal funding reaches those who live and work in the 37th Congressional District.  Each bill awaits passage in the House, Senate and signature by President Bush.

“Since taking office, I have worked tirelessly to insure the 37th Congressional District continued it’s representation, advocacy and receiving funds for projects that are critically necessary to the lifeblood of my constituents.  Regionally, these funds will provide key resources to Carson, Compton, Long Beach, Signal Hill, and Watts Willowbrook communities.”  

Federal funding to promote health, education and housing programs:

Congresswoman Richardson has been concerned with the growing impact of hospital closings and healthcare crisis.   Funding for the Long Beach Memorial Hospital and St. Mary’s Medical Center will provide assistance in expanding facilities and serving more patients.  The financial assistance provided to St. Mary’s Medical  Center will assist the hospital in bringing badly needed services directly to communities and neighborhoods:
•    Long Beach Memorial Medical Center: for equipment and medical facilities, $300,000 for ongoing expansion of the Children’s hospital; 
•    St. Mary’s Medical Center Fd.,(Long Beach) Well Woman Outreach Program: $250,000; to better serve low income residents w/ language barriers, live in under-served communities, and have limited access to healthcare, through the use a mobile community van.

Since her earliest days in the Long Beach City Council, the Congresswoman has fought to increase access to education, training, and job opportunities.  Federal funding for literacy education, training, and skill development is consistent with those goals and includes the following jobs and programs:                      
•    Watts Labor Community Action Center: Reading Program for their Shelter, $100,000; to promote mentoring, literacy skill training and social skill development;
•    Carmelitos Housing Development, (Long Beach), LA County Community Development Commission Computer Literacy / Job Training Program: for Public Housing Residents, $210,000;  residents of the housing development will be able to take advantage of a wider range of computer literacy, reading, language, and office-training programs;
•    Para Los Ninos, LA Counties: for teacher instruction and curriculum development, $150,000; to better provide workforce and skills-training for foster children between the ages  14-21 yrs old.

The military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in tremendous sacrifice for our military personnel:

The provision of funding for increased online programming for veterans and disabled persons, makes these valuable services more accessible and allows for the opportunity for educational and career development from home or remote locations and military facilities.
•    California State University, Dominguez Hills Online Certificate Program for Veterans and Disabled Students: $200,000; to provide an online education program for veterans and disabled students who have had their education interrupted due to deployment and for disabled students who need additional educational support.

Federal funding to promote crime prevention programs:

Homeland security concerns make it more important than ever that law enforcement agencies are adequately equipped and fully capable of dealing with any possible security breaches.  Additionally, local communities have expressed concerns about the rise in crime and gang-related activities.  Congresswoman Richardson has earmarked funds to provide improved equipment and other tools to assist in crime prevention and detection.
•    City of Signal Hill, Police Department: Interoperable Technology Upgrade, $200,000; so that the police department can assist in regional emergencies that require more technologically advanced equipment; 
•    Boys Town Program, (Long Beach), Los Angeles Region: $245,000; to rehabilitate at-risk youth in the areas of basic life skills, including mentoring and counseling.
•    Compton YWCA of Greater Los Angeles, for Sexual Assault Response Teams: $100,000; to strengthen and improve Sexual Assault units.  Also to provide additional counseling and treatment for victims of sexual assault.

Federal funding for clean water infrastructure:

The Energy and Water projects, totaling nearly $4.7 million, will help to construct the infrastructure necessary to reduce the region’s dependency on imported water, as well as improve the efficiency of our Ports.
•    City of Compton Water Department, Water Resources Project:  $500,000; to replace existing water pipes that are over 100 years old.  

The funding will invest in the following organizations in the 37th Congressional District:
•    (Carson, Compton. & Watts)
•    Harbor/South Bay Water Recycling Proj.           $1,750,000   
•    Port Harbor Main Channel Deepening                $   885,000   
•    Long Beach Water Reuse                                   $   692,000
•    Long Beach Desalinization                                  $1,325,000

Congresswoman Richardson received multiple requests for federal funding from every city in the 37th District and numerous non-profit organizations.  She was proud to submit each request and to fight to bring a fair share of federal dollars to the 37th District.

While these Appropriations Bills have not yet passed the House, the successful inclusion of these projects in the appropriations bills is a reflection of numerous meetings Congresswoman Richardson had with leadership, appropriations chairmen, staff research and constituent discussions.

Fighting for the C-17:

On June 30, 2008, the President signed into law the Fiscal Year 2008 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill.  Among other provisions, the bill primarily provided funding for the Department of Defense.  To ensure that the Long Beach aerospace job base is secure, Congresswoman Richardson fought to include funding for the purchase of C-17’s.

“I was pleased to see that the bill included $3.6 Billion for 15 aircraft.  It was imperative to fund 15 aircraft, as we must avoid a shutdown or slowdown of the Long Beach plant,” Richardson added. 

To that end, Richardson met privately with Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman John Murtha and with Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton to stress the importance of the C-17 to the nation’s strategic airlift capability and economic well-being. Initially, the Congresswoman was told that there were “zero” C17’s allocated in the Senate, and only 8 in the House. 

Said Richardson:  “I stressed to the Chairmen that failure to fund the full line of C-17’s will eventually mean the loss of over 30,000 jobs in the U.S. and will result in our loss of leadership and support for our allies.  Based on that discussion, Congresswoman Richardson pushed for an order of 15, not 8 or 10 C17s.”

As noted, just 9 short months ago in “The Hill,” (11/15/07), Rep. Richardson said:  “I assumed the assignment and took immediate efforts to participate in the appropriations process.”

“And that is exactly what I have done on behalf of the constituents of the 37th Congressional District.”


Long Beach Office - 100 W. Broadway - West Tower, Suite 600 - Long Beach, CA 90802 - ph: (562) 436-3828
Washington DC - 2233 Rayburn HOB - Washington, DC 20515 - ph. (202) 225-7924 - fx: (202) 225-7926