National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 1065] Re: TABE Training

Cindi Al-Tamari caltamari at
Mon Nov 19 12:47:01 EST 2007

Hi everyone,

I am at graduate student at Fort Hays State University. Currently I
am taking a course in assessment and I had a few questions pertaining
to assessment of ESL adult learners. I have been reading this
listserv since the beginning of the semester, and have found a lot of
good information but not as much as I was hoping pertaining to
assessment of adult ESL learners. I would greatly appreciate your
input on the following questions:

1) How does assessment of adult ESL students vary from assessment of
K-12 ESL students?

2) Should there be, or is there, one standard of assessment of adult
ESL students or should the assessment vary according to the students
motive for studying English? (Communicative purposes vs. academic

3) Are there any web sites or previous posts from this listserv that
you suggest for more information on adult ESL assessment.

4) What is your view of standardized tests such as the TOEFL etc...Do
you feel these tests adequately assess ESL students true level of
competency in English? Where do these tests fall short and how can
they be improved?

Thank you,


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