National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 1013] Re: GED Discussion - what you need to know!

Andrea Wilder andreawilder at
Sat Oct 27 22:24:28 EDT 2007

Hi Mary Lynn--

One of my mantras for students, no matter the age, has been: "Don't
waste their time." Is this what you are getting at?


On Oct 27, 2007, at 9:01 PM, Mary Lynn Simons wrote:


> Community Colleges test students when they enter and then teach them

> accordingly. It is not our job to paternalistically/maternalistically

> decide what is best for our students beyond what they need to know to

> be able to pass the test. We must not hold them back. Let them get to

> college or training as fast as possible.




> ----------------------------------------> From:

> Kgotthardt at> To: assessment at> Date: Sat, 27 Oct

> 2007 09:35:10 -0400> Subject: [Assessment 1007] Re: GED Discussion -

> what you need to know!>> David, I agree that creativity is essential

> in GED programs, especially if> students are planning to go on to

> college! Students who pass the GED with> minimal ability to freely

> think creatively, explore abstract ideas, and> weigh options are

> usually at a loss in the college classroom. Most colleges> require

> program elements such as "writing across the curriculum." As we> know,

> writing requires abstract thought, the kind adults need to develop.>>

> Even basic college writing classes require understanding and using>

> rhetorical patterns found in the descriptive essay and more.

> Humanities> courses demand students to understand and even implement

> creative forms,> figures of speech, figurative language, and more. For

> students to truly> understand history, they must be able to visualize

> different time periods.> Symbolic thought translates into statistics

> and math classes in which> graphs, numbers and equations are used to

> communicate ideas. The list goes> on.>> Someone here or in another

> posting made the remark that students in a GED> class who are not

> reading in class are not practicing reading at all. If> the instructor

> is writing on the board, if the students are writing, if the> students

> are taking practice tests, they ARE reading. In terms of more>

> formalized, lengthier readings, students will most likely need to take

> that> home. Yes, this requires a certain amount of discipline that we

> might not> get with GED students. But especially with students who

> want to pursue> higher education after earning the GED, we need to

> have the time to teach> them to think critically.>> Finally, I just

> now ran across an essay from Peter Elbow whom I haven't> studied in a

> long time but did in my past lives. The essay demonstrates how>

> creativity is used in the college classroom as well as what GED

> students can> expect in college (though perhaps not to this extent,

> depending on the> teacher and the class).

>>> I'm a firm believer in

> extensive transitional services for GED students> planning to attend

> college, and I think it's essential to have> communications between

> public schools and college to make this happen if we> want GED

> students to succeed. Part of these discussions should include>

> creativity used and expected in every academic setting.>>> Katherine

> Mercurio Gotthardt, ESOL Online Instructor> Prince William County

> Public Schools> Adult Education> P.O. Box 389> Manassas, VA 20108>

> work 703-791-8387> fax 703-791-8889>>>>>> -----Original Message----->

> From: assessment-bounces at

> [mailto:assessment-bounces at]On> Behalf Of David J. Rosen>

> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 10:54 PM> To: The Assessment Discussion

> List> Subject: [Assessment 1005] Re: GED Discussion - what you need to

> know!>>> Assessment colleagues,>> Toni asked what we mean by

> creativity. Good question. I'll give it a> shot.>> Is creativity a

> means to an end -- that is, with creative teaching> approaches will

> more students have more and higher academic skills,> better test

> scores? Or is creativity itself an end -- that is, do we> want

> students to be both academically prepared and creative? Or> both? And

> where do critical skills fit in?>> I would argue, as Marc Tucker does,

> that we need both high academic> skills and creativity, and I would

> put critical thinking in both> these catregories, both as a means and

> as an end. Our adult secondary> education (e.g. GED) programs should

> provide students with the> opportunity to have academic skills that

> are strong enough to succeed> in college, strong critical thinking

> skills (these may be inseparable> from strong academic skills), and

> the skills of creative problem> solving.>> Since this is the

> assessment list, let me ask what are we measuring> now adult secondary

> education programs?>> • Perhaps academic skills, at least through

> standardized tests> • Are we measuring critical thinking skills, and

> if so how?> • I am not aware that anyone in adult literacy education

> is measuring> creative skills.>> If Marc Tucker is right, we are not

> paying attention to one of the> greatest economic assets, one of the

> historic strengths of the U.S. I> agree with Tucker and believe that

> the nearly exclusive focus on high> stakes basic skills tests for

> K-12, and the focus on only traditional> basic skills for the GED

> tests disrespects important creative skills> like the ability to look

> at a problem freshly and from different> perspectives, the ability to

> try out and evaluate a range of> solutions, the ability to represent

> an idea with an image, a moving> image, a drawing; a metaphor or other

> figurative language, or> rhetoric; and the ability to understand and

> follow, but instead to> disregard instructions or traditional paths of

> thinking (what we now> often describe as "thinking outside the

> box").>> Are these goals that every GED student has or should have.

> No. Should> they be? Not necessarily. But for students who see the GED

> or high> school diploma as a way out of poverty, as a stepping stone

> to stable> employment and self-sufficiency, as a key to open the door

> to> successful post-secondary learning, these are the skills we should

> be> teaching and measuring: academic skills, including critical

> thinking> and creativity.>> I invite your comments on this.>> David J.

> Rosen> djrosen at>>>> On Oct 26, 2007, at 3:39 PM, Borge,

> Toni F wrote:>>> When we are referring to creativity do we mean

> teaching critical>> thinking skills which once our students know how

> to think in a>> critical thinking way they will be successful in

> achieving their>> education and other life goals. However, just like

> K-12 education,>> adult education is captured on the high stakes

> spinning wheel of>> accountability which stifles creativity and

> teachers teach to the>> test.>>>> Toni Borge>>>> BHCC>> Adult

> Education & Transitions Program>>>> Boston, MA>>>>>>>> From:

> assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment->> bounces at] On

> Behalf Of shirley ledet>> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 4:30 PM>>

> To: The Assessment Discussion List>> Subject: [Assessment 1001] Re:

> GED Discussion - what you need to know!>>>>>>>> I agree that

> creativity is not the enemy of success on standardized>> test. We need

> look no further then those who have been successful>> on any type of

> test. We tend to use terms like natuarally gifted,>> just smart, etc.

> If you speak to these folks they are well>> rounded, enjoy reading,

> mvies, theater, they tend to use terms like>> "I don't know, I just

> know stuff." Researchers have found that>> this may be the reason for

> disparity between ethnicity. I believe>> there is more disparity

> between socio economic background then>> ethnicity. Exposure to the

> arts, banking industry, faculty,>> medicine, legal issues as part of

> your everyday life tends to offer>> more of an advantage when testing

> then someone whose only exposure>> is to go to school and study hard.

> My students participate in a>> quite a few creative projects and those

> that "get into it" tend to>> do better in all subjects. Those that

> feel it is a waste of time>> and they just want to "study for the GED"

> are generally frustrated>> when "all of their hard work does not pay

> off like they would>> like." Creativity also leads to retention;

> especially those>> activities that have to be completed in increments.

> Let's bring on>> more creativity!>>>> Shirley Ledet>>>> GED

> Instructor>>>> NHC-Carver>>>> djrosen at wrote:>>>>

> Colleagues,>>>> I am a proponent of creativity in adult literacy

> education -->> indeed in all education. As Marc Tucker, President of

> the National>> Center for Education and the Economy, has said in a

> presention>> recently to the National Commission on Adult Literacy,

> http://>> , the U.S. education

> system -->> and he includes adult education, cannot be competitive

> without high>> academic standards AND creativity.>>>> But many GED

> teachers and administrators believe that their>> students will not

> pass the GED unless they focus on skills and>> knowledge needed to

> pass the test, that creativity is a>> "distraction" and a time-waster.

> (Many K-12 teachers,>> administrators or policy makers also believe

> creativity distracts>> from passing high stakes tests.) I hate to be

> the one to raise this>> issue, but it's the key question on the minds

> of many GED teachers>> and administrators, so I invite the panelists

> to address it.>>>> Is creativity a distraction or is it essential for

> success? Why?>>>>>> David J. Rosen>> djrosen at>>>>

> -------------- Original message ---------------------->> From: "Marie

> Cora">>> Hi everyone,>>>>>> We've had several new subscribers over the

> past day, and so I>> wanted to>>> give a quick reminder where you can

> get the information on this>>> discussion. For the full announcement,

> information on guests, and>>> suggested resources go to:>>>>>>


> 07creativityGED.html>>>>>> If you missed the posts from yesterday -

> there were a couple ->> you can>>> catch up in the archives at:>>>

>>>>>>> Please

> post your questions and also your own experiences to share>>

> now!>>>>>> Thanks!!>>>>>> Marie Cora>>> Assessment Discussion List

> Moderator>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marie Cora>>>

> marie.cora at>>> NIFL Assessment Discussion List

> Moderator>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From:

> "Marie Cora" >> To: >> Subject: [Assessment 942] GED Discussion - what

> you need to know!>> Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 14:43:14 +0000>>>> Hi

> everyone,>>>>>>>> We’ve had several new subscribers over the past day,

> and so I>> wanted to give a quick reminder where you can get the

> information>> on this discussion. For the full announcement,

> information on>> guests, and suggested resources go to:>>>>>>>>


> 07creativityGED.html>>>>>>>> If you missed the posts from yesterday –

> there were a couple – you>> can catch up in the archives at:

>>> assessment/2007/date.html>>>>>>>>

> Please post your questions and also your own experiences to share

> now!>>>>>>>> Thanks!!>>>>>>>> Marie Cora>>>> Assessment Discussion

> List Moderator>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marie Cora>>>>

> marie.cora at>>>> NIFL Assessment Discussion List

> Moderator>>>>


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