National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 941] Call for Distance Education Presenters

Shannon Young shannony at
Mon Oct 8 10:13:36 EDT 2007

Project IDEAL (Improving Distance Education for Adult Learners) is pleased
to host the second annual Distance Education strand at COABE in St. Louis
(April 28th-May 1st, 2008).

Last year¹s strand was well-received with 12 sessions and 27 presenters
covering a variety of distance ed topics. Teachers, program administrators,
state staff, and researchers from across the country discussed teaching
strategies, online professional development, using technologies, new tools
for distance, national and local research findings, and policy development.

We encourage you to submit a proposal about your experiences working in
distance education. Go to the COABE website
( and complete the online proposal form.
Under Educational Focus, check the box next to Technology/Distance Learning.
Proposals will be forwarded by COABE to Project IDEAL for review and
selection. Proposals are due by October 31st.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Shannon Young

Shannon J. Young
Program Manager, Project IDEAL / AdultEd Online
Senior Research Area Specialist, Program on Teaching, Learning, & Technology
Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan

5267 ISR, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248
Ph: (734) 763-5325
Fax: (734) 647-3652
Email: shannony at

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