National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 903] What International Literacy Programs Offer Programs in the U.S.

David J. Rosen djrosen at
Thu Aug 30 07:02:45 EDT 2007


I hope you will join us on September 7th -14th, 2007 for the Special
Topics discussion What International Literacy Programs Offer Programs
in the U.S. You or your colleagues who may wish to join this
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We will talk with adult literacy educator experts who have experience
with programs in the U.S. and in other countries. We will discuss
with them what they have learned in other countries that may be
useful to programs in the U.S. As the theme of this year’s
International Literacy Day, on September 8th, is health literacy, we
will also explore the intersection in their work of health and literacy.

Guest Biographies and Guests' Suggested Readings for this Discussion

Dr. Erik Jacobson

Erik Jacobson is an Assistant Professor at Montclair State University
in New Jersey, where he works in the Early Childhood, Elementary and
Literacy Education Department. One of his research interests is the
goals that teachers and students set for themselves in Japanese adult
basic education classes (literacy and Japanese as a Second Language).
He has been looking at this topic for almost 10 years, and he
recently returned from visiting programs in Osaka and Nara. Erik is
also the co-area leader of the Adult Literacy Education Wiki section
on World Literacy and Nonformal Education, and he maintains a page on
world literacy news.

Suggested Web sites:

Sample Story

Context for Japanese ABE


Buraku Discrimination


Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education

Dr. John Comings

John is a senior research associate and lecturer on education at
Harvard's Graduate School of Education and was director of the
National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL)
from 1996 to 2007. Before HGSE and NCSALL, He spent 12 years as vice
president of World Education in Boston. He has worked in Asia,
Africa, and the Caribbean, and he lived for 6 years in Nepal and 2
years in Indonesia. In his international work, he has helped design,
implement and evaluate adult literacy programs and skill training

Suggested Reading:

Dr. Ujwala Samant

Ujwala Samant is director of Learning for Life UK, a small NGo
working in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the UK. Under her
leadership, LfL has stabilized financially and added new, larger
projects and more than tripled their annual income. She was a senior
researcher at the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and
Literacy at Rutgers University, USA. Her research foci include
gender, immigrant education, ESOL, learner engagement and voice. She
has taught at the International Literacy Institute at the
University of Pennsylvania, and been a consultant in the field of
development, education and gender. Her doctoral research examined the
links between literacy and social change amongst women in Mumbai
slums. She received The UK Asian Woman of Achievement 2007 award for
Social and Humanitarian work

Barbara Garner

Known on NIFL’s discussion lists as the editor of “Focus on Basics”,
Barbara Garner led the development of non-profit World Education’s
adult literacy efforts in Africa from 1998 through 2004, providing
technical assistance around teacher training and curriculum
development as well as leadership and program design. Her work took
her to Guinea, Mali, Benin, and more recently Egypt, where she
consulted on their national adult literacy assessment system.
Earlier in her career she worked on non-formal education programs and
refugee education programs in Indonesia, Thailand, and Nepal.

Suggested Reading: to get a feel for adult literacy in West Africa
read "Creating Curricula for Challenging Circumstances" from Focus on

Pamela Civins

Pamela Civins has worked in the field of nonprofit management, formal
and nonformal education for over 15 years internationally and in
Boston, Massachusetts. Currently, she is the Executive Director of
Boston Partners in Education, an organization that enhances the
academic achievement and nurtures the personal growth of Boston's
public school students by providing them with focused, individualized
in-school volunteer support. Pamela has been working exclusively in
the US for the past three years. Prior to her work being focused on
K-12 urban education, she provided coordination and managerial
oversight of nonformal education and literacy programs for girls and
women in Nepal, India and Pakistan. For eight years, she worked with
the nonprofit, World Education, Inc., both in the US and abroad. She
coordinated a women's literacy program and was based in Kathmandu,
Nepal for two yeas. Pamela worked extensively in India supporting a
collaboration with World Education and the Indian-based
nongovernmental organization, PRIA, on a the Women's Empowerment
Through Literacy and Livelihoods Development Project, an integrated
literacy and livelihoods development program that took place in the
Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. She also
provided support to a women's literacy program in Pakistan. Pamela
received her BA from the University of Colorado, a MIIM (Masters in
Intercultural & International Management) from the School for
International Training, and an M.Ed. with a focus on International
Education Policy from Harvard University.

Recommended readings.

Brenda Bell

Brenda Bell, for many years Associate Director of the Center for
Literacy Studies, University of Tennessee and Coordinator of the EFF
National Center, is currently an education advisor with the Global
Learning Group of the Education Development Center (EDC). In 2004
and 2005, she provided support to EDC’s Afghanistan Literacy and
Community Empowerment Project which links literacy with governance
and economic development activities in 200 rural villages. For the
past year, she has been technical advisor to EQuALLS, an education
quality and livelihood skills program in over 900 barangays in the
western Mindanao area of the Philippines. Additionally, Brenda
assists with program assessment, design and development activities in
other countries. With many years of experience in nonformal and adult
education in the U.S., Brenda (a former Peace Corps volunteer) is
enjoying the opportunities and challenges of working outside of the
U.S. She lives in Maryville, TN.

Suggested Reading: Developing Adult Literacy: Approaches to planning,
implementing and delivering literacy initiatives by Juliet Merrifield
Juliet McCaffrey Juliet Millican Oxfam, September 30, 2007 [For this
discussion this book will be available free online]

Juliet Merrifield

Juliet Merrifield is Principal of the Friends Centre, an independent
adult education centre in Brighton, England. She has worked as an
adult educator and researcher for the last 25 years, in the USA,
England and Ireland. She was Director of the Learning from
Experience Trust in London, and of the Center for Literacy Studies at
the University of Tennessee, USA.

David J. Rosen
Special Topics Discussion Moderator
djrosen at

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