National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 902] Re: Reading math textbooks

Jackie Coelho jackie.coelho at
Wed Aug 29 13:39:19 EDT 2007

Hi Pinder,
I am by no means an expert. However, I would say that the ability to
read would indeed effect a reader's ability to comprehend math text
books. Reading is reading. Which is probably not very helpful. I know
a lot of work has been done on the link between numeracy and literacy.
I apologize for not being able to point you in many directions. Try
looking up the work that TIAN has done. That might help.

Jackie Coelho

On 8/28/07, Pinder Naidu <pnaidu at> wrote:


> Hello All:


> I am a PhD student in math education taking a adult education class and have

> some questions for you.


> Does anyone on the list know of any work being done assessing adult learners

> ability to read and comprehend math text books?


> I'd also like to know what effect this has on exam results?


> Does the ability to read interfere with success with numeracy?


> Thanks. Pinder Naidu (GSU student)

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