National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 883] Re: Model programs sought for performanceaccountability initiative

Laura Chenven lchenven at
Thu Jul 19 10:41:52 EDT 2007

Wow - I wish I had know about this before - guess I should have joined
this listserv sooner - When will the next opportunity be available for
Laura Chenven

-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]
On Behalf Of mdaniels
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 12:59 PM
To: 'assessment at'
Subject: [Assessment 878] Model programs sought for
performanceaccountability initiative

WANTED: Model Programs for Performance Accountability Initiative
DEADLINE! 5:00 PM EDT July 20, 2007

Join ProLiteracy America and the Dollar General Literacy Foundation in
the three-year Dollar General/ProLiteracy Performance Accountability

Be one of eight model programs selected (in each year of the three
years) to help identify promising practices in adult education and
literacy program accountability. Your expertise and resources will be
used to design training sessions that will help other programs improve
their performance accountability.

If your program can demonstrate success in the area of "Data Analysis
for Program Decision-Making," ProLiteracy wants to hear from you! If you
are selected, your program receives a small stipend, increased
visibility, and the chance to impact others in the literacy and adult
education field.

Act NOW -- the deadline for accepting nominations is 5:00 PM EDT on
Friday, July 20, 2007.

Apply online at Share
this information with other programs you think would be a great

Thanks for your help in this important project (and your response by

Direct your questions to Melanie Daniels, project manager, via e-mail at
mdaniels at
National Institute for Literacy
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