National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 882] Re: NRS Guidelines for Distance Learning Assessment

Condelli, Larry LCondelli at
Thu Jul 19 10:43:47 EDT 2007

Hi Shannon and Katrina,

NRS requires a non-duplicated count of students. So the state has to have a policy on how to classify them (DL or not) for reporting. It's just the same as if a student took two separate classes at the same time -- they are only counted once in NRS.

Of course you may have other procedures for local contracts, management, scheduling, etc., according to state/local policy. Again, it's the same as if a student took multiple classes at the same time.


From: assessment-bounces at on behalf of Shannon Young
Sent: Thu 7/19/2007 9:34 AM
To: The Assessment Discussion List
Subject: [Assessment 880] Re: NRS Guidelines for Distance Learning Assessment

Hi Katrina,

I believe so. A student may only be counted one time even though he/she is
enrolled in separate distance and classroom-based classes. Larry, would you
confirm that this is the case?

Thanks, Shannon
Shannon J. Young
Program Manager, Project IDEAL / AdultEd Online
Senior Research Area Specialist, Program on Teaching, Learning, & Technology
Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan

5116 ISR, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248
Ph: (734) 763-5325
Fax: (734) 615-6638
Email: shannony at
Websites: <> <>

On 7/16/07 9:06 PM, "Katrina Hinson" <KHinson at> wrote:

> Ok, How does this work if say for instance, a student is enrolled in a

> physical class that runs from 8-12 and then is enrolled in a distance learning

> class for time outside the 8-12 boundary or for day he/she is absent. They

> are only counted once even though that is two separate classes, rosters and

> contracts?


> Regards,

> Katrina


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