National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 870] Re: FW: Re: Final Day for DL Assessment discussion!

Jennifer A. Rafferty Jennifer.Rafferty at
Mon Jul 16 10:34:06 EDT 2007

Hi Laura,
Thanks for posting. The hybrid/blended program that you describe with more face-to-face in the beginning phase of enrollment is an approach that we have used in MA with our distance learning pilot programs. While we never coined it as a model per se, we discussed what we recognized as a trend with some learners who gradually made their way into the independent learning mode. I always imagine a spectrum when I see distance learners. At one end is the group that enters and can immediately engage in distance learning because they have the independent learning skills and other skills needed to persist. At the other end of the spectrum are those who require a blended model with more face-to-face time. Some of these learners who start with the blended model eventually move on the spectrum towards the independent learning mode as they gain comfort with the new delivery. Others continue to need regular face-to-face support. In short, we have used a flexible approach that addresses the needs of the individual.

-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at on behalf of Laura Chenven
Sent: Mon 7/16/2007 9:57 AM
To: The Assessment Discussion List
Subject: [Assessment 869] FW: Re: Final Day for DL Assessment discussion!

Even though this discussion is officially over, we can still talk about
the subject I hope.
The Healthcare Career Advancement Program is, among other things,
working with several labor management partnerships on distance learning
nursing programs. One of the things we are interested in is the
interaction between students and instructors. In some instances we
understand that there is even more interaction in DL than would be
possible in some of the lecture hall classes that many students
experience in general education and nursing lecture courses. We are
also looking at the issue of sheltered entry to college utilizing
distance learning. For example, workers who have been out of school a
long time often have difficulty making the transition to college and
need a lot of support as they are beginning their gen ed courses and
pre-requisites for nursing. We are considering a hybrid
on-ground/on-line entry to college that starts with more classroom face
time (and group computer time) and ends with more individual and
asynchronous on line time. We think this would be particularly helpful
for students interested in on line programs who need to get up to speed
with using the computer and getting into distance learning.
Do any of you have examples of these kinds of programs?
Laura ChenvenH-CAP
National Coordinator
P.O. Box 5688
Takoma Park, MD 20913
202 257-7108
lchenven at

-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Katrina Hinson
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 4:47 PM
To: 'The Assessment Discussion List'
Subject: [Assessment 864] Re: Final Day for DL Assessment discussion!

DL isn't always purely Distant. Students get stuck with a problem, or
have an issue and he or she may not understand an area and may need some
momentary face to face interaction with a real person. My DL students
know that I teach from 8-3 but that any time after 3 they can come in
and meet with me. I'll even give up my lunch time if need be to meet
with my students. Additionally, I will give my DL students my IM
information and they know they can find me online if they want "real"
time interaction outside of my normal workday hours.

The NRS requirments for DL were just recently posted to the list. One of
the requirements mentioned in the document is that pre and post testing
has to be done face to face. We already require our students to do that
and all GED practice tests have to be done online. Additionally, one
thing we've found is that it's helpful to have some kind of face to face
interaction with the students. It's not as impersonal as it could be if
the DL student didn't see a warm face and know they could really get the
help they needed if they have questions or problems.


Katrina Hinson

>>> "Marie Cora" <marie.cora at> 7/13/2007 12:58 pm >>>

(My apologies if you are receiving duplicates of any posts)

Hi Jennifer - thanks so much for this. Yes, I didn't make myself that
clear in my post, but your reply definitely speaks to some of the
questions that I do have.

I was indeed asking about what you discuss below: I am interested in
how post-testing might get accomplished when you can be in f2f
situations, and whether or not being able to group students together
would make any difference at all.

But I was also wondering (and I'm showing the true colors of my lack of
knowledge around the details of DL - but that's ok because I am here to
learn) these things:

-I assume that some DL is purely DL - no f2f (is that right?) -If so,
how do you use required tests that do not lend themselves to on-line
delivery? -And if post-assessment *can* be accomplished purely on-line,
are there ways to make that post-test more of a group task, which might
lead to more people completing that piece of the puzzle? (this group
task idea is obviously an assumption on my part)

Ok, thanks and looking forward to hearing what people's experiences are
with this.

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer A. Rafferty [mailto:assessment-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Jennifer A. Rafferty
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 10:06 AM
To: The Assessment Discussion List
Subject: RE: [Assessment 855] Final Day for DL Assessment discussion!

Hi Marie,
I don't know if I understood you correctly, but logistically it is not
always possible to get the dl learners together to be post-tested. In
Massachusetts, our dl programs run with an open enrollment schedule, so
students start at different times and they accumulate "seat time" hours
at different rates depending on the intensity of their studying. As is
with the orientation process, our programs have to be prepared to
provide support individually if the timing for orientation and
pre/post-testing doesn't fit the learners' schedules. I have seen some
dl students go to classroom-based programs when post-testing is being
conducted in a group. This seems to be a good logistical set-up, to
look at the scheduling of post-testing for classroom programs in the
agency, and send the dl learner to be post-tested there if it fits their
schedule and scenario. When I was teaching in a dl ESOL program back in
2003, we were using the BEST to assess learners and it was challenging
to coordinate because each learner needed to be assessed individually
and the test needed to be administrated by another instructor. We ended
up doing an exchange where I would assess classroom learners and a
classroom teacher came to my program to assess my distance learners.

Jennifer Rafferty

jennifer.rafferty at

-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at on behalf of Marie Cora
Sent: Fri 7/13/2007 9:13 AM
To: Assessment at
Subject: [Assessment 855] Final Day for DL Assessment discussion!

Good morning, afternoon, and evening to you all.

Today is our final day of conversation with Jennifer and Shannon on
assessment in distance learning. I encourage you to post your questions
and experiences now. I'm looking forward to reading the replies from
yesterday's posts.

Here's my next thought on this, I'm back to Post-Testing: does DL
post-testing ever involve groups of learners together? Or is it usually
a unilateral event for that one student? I'm asking because I know this
is a tough area, and I was wondering if some amount of work with peers
might alter this. What are people's thoughts and experiences on this?


Marie Cora
<mailto:marie.cora at> marie.cora at
NIFL Assessment Discussion List Moderator
Coordinator, LINCS Assessment Special Collection

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