National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 843] Re: Screening for success

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Wed Jul 11 11:47:16 EDT 2007

Hi Laura, Welcome and thanks for your question - which is an excellent
one! I'm also looking forward to hearing from subscribers on this

Some discussion on this can be found in one of the suggested resources,
entitled "Pre-assessments for on-line learning". Go to:

The information in the discussion opens with a focus on "wait periods"
or "tryout periods" so that prospective students can self-determine
their ability and commitment, but it winds around to discuss assessing
skills that people need to engage in technology and distance learning.

I'd be very much interested in what List Subscribers think about that
discussion and Laura's questions below.

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Laura Chenven
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 10:45 AM
To: The Assessment Discussion List
Subject: [Assessment 842] Re: Questions for discussion

Let me raise another question. I am new to this list so it may be
something that many of you have already discussed.

I work with a national labor/management partnership that supports
training and education for the incumbent healthcare workforce. We are
supporting several distance learning and hybrid nursing programs.
Because these programs are asynchronous for the most part and can fit
into many workers busy schedules, there is a great deal of interest in
them. However, because we realize that distance learning may not be the
best modality for everyone, we want to be able to be able to screen for
students who are most likely to be successful in this kind of program
and also pinpoint other students who may be successful with some extra
help up front.

I'd love to hear others experiences with this type of screening. Do you
find it necessary? Is it helpful? What have you learned.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Laura Chenven
H-CAP National Coordinator
202 257-7108
lchenven at


From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Marie Cora
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 10:34 AM
To: Assessment at
Subject: [Assessment 834] Questions for discussion
Hi everyone,

It's very quiet out there! I've had many new subscribers join our List,
so I know this is of interest to you all. I know you have questions
and I know you have experiences to share. Please post them now!

Here is one of my questions for this discussion, which actually has
already been asked within the suggested preparations by our guests
Shannon and Jennifer:

Post-testing: How is this done? How do you get that important
follow-up measure from students? I have experience in DL within
professional development only (not with ABE/ESOL students) - and I know
how difficult follow-up is with the professional population. The same
goes for regular classroom-based programs - getting full test scores can
be really hard. So I am extremely interested in hearing from folks
about the strategies and methods they use to get DL students to complete
the full cycle including the post-test.

Do federal requirements allow for any flexibility/creativity in this
regard? Can you use formative assessment and other types of measures to
help demonstrate achievement?

Do Project IDEAL states do their assessment in the same way, or are you
able to alter your approach depending on certain things (levels of
funding; timing; some F2F ("face-to-face")/no F2F; staffing; etc)?


Marie Cora

Marie Cora
<mailto:marie.cora at> marie.cora at
NIFL Assessment Discussion List Moderator
Coordinator, LINCS Assessment Special Collection


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