National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 815] Re: ESL Assessment

Gopalakrishnan, Ajit Ajit.Gopalakrishnan at
Fri May 25 16:24:00 EDT 2007

CT has implemented the range of reading and listening assessments in the
CASAS system with ESL learners for 15+ years. More recently, CT has been
implementing the CASAS Functional Writing Assessment and in a more
limited way, the CASAS Workplace Speaking Assessment, in ESL programs.
We are beginning to reap the benefits of having assessments in the four
core skill areas of reading, listening, writing, and speaking within the
same curriculum, assessment, and instructional system. It has helped us
to highlight that ESL learners who are at higher levels in terms of
their listening (or may be even their speaking) abilities can benefit
from instruction that is designed to improve their reading and writing
skills, especially if those learners are preparing to transition to a
secondary completion program or to college. The new reading tests in the
Life and Work series have been a welcome enhancement. States and
practitioners of the CASAS National Consortium are working toward and
eagerly awaiting the new listening assessments in the Life and Work

In terms of level completion among learners who are pre-and-post tested,
there are several factors that seem to influence progress of learners
from one level to another including the skill area being assessed, the
learner's entering ability level, the continuous hours attended between
pre-and-post, the quality of instruction, and the relation of the
instruction to the assessment. Nationally, among those who are pre-post
tested, over 60% of learners complete an educational level.

Thank you.


Ajit Gopalakrishnan
Connecticut Department of Education
25 Industrial Park Road
Middletown, CT 06457
Phone: (860) 807-2125
Fax: (860) 807-2062
Email: ajit.gopalakrishnan at


From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]
On Behalf Of fchisman
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 12:44 PM
To: The Assessment Discussion List
Subject: [Assessment 814] Re: ESL Assessment

There appears to be no single ESL assessment that is suitable for all
purposes -- although many states mandate a single assessment for
reporting (and sometimes promotion) purposes. Among the mandated tests
are the BEST, CASAS, CELSA, and REEP. Regrettably, there is no single
assessment that measures all four core ESL skills. Most programs appear
to use a combination of standardized tests (sometimes different tests
for different purposes) with locally constructed assessments and teacher
judgments. This situation is far from ideal, but no one seems to be
focused on improving it.

For a discussion of ESL assessments, see "Passing the Torch: Strategies
for Innovation in Community College ESL" pages 43-47. This is available
online at

Forrest Chisman

-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at
[mailto:assessment-bounces at]On Behalf Of Melinda Hefner
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 2:54 PM
To: The Assessment Discussion List
Subject: [Assessment 812] ESL Assessment

I'm sure this topic has been discussed many, many times before,
but I wanted to ask some questions nevertheless since there may be new
members or new information. I want to get a better feel for what is
being done nationally rather than in my own region.

1. What is the best assessment tool for ESL adult learners?

2. What is the most widely used assessment tool for them?

3. How much movement from one level to another do your programs
see among these learners?

While I will appreciate detailed responses, I really just need
some general responses.

Thanks in advance!!

Melinda M. Hefner
Director, Literacy Support Services

Basic Skills Department
Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
2855 Hickory Blvd.
Hudson, North Carolina 28638
Office: (828) 726-2245
FAX: (828) 726-2266

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