National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 746] Using Data

Luanne Teller lteller at
Wed Apr 18 13:56:06 EDT 2007

Hi all:

I wanted to chime in about our program's use of data since this is the
focus of our discussion. Coincidentally, I am in the process of writing
our proposal for next year, so I am knee-deep in data even as we speak!

The use of data takes many forms in our program. We look at what most
people consider the "hard data" -- the raw numbers with regard to
attendance, learner gains, retention, goal attainment, etc. We believe;
however, that the numbers alone provide an incomplete picture of what is
happening, so we use the numbers as a basis for discussion, not decision
making. After analyzing the numbers, we begin to look at additional
sources of data that we find essential in informing our
planning---meetings with staff, classes, our student advisory board, and
focus groups.

Here's an example we're currently working on---we did a two year
analysis of learner retention, and began to document why students did
not persist. We found that the retention for students who enrolled
after January 1 (our programs runs on a school calendar year from
September to June) was significantly lower than the retention for
students who began in September. Even more compelling, we learned that
the retention for students who began after March 1 was 0%.

We met with staff and students, and did some research around student
retention issues. After a year-long process, we decided to pilot a
"managed enrollment" approach. In Massachusetts, our grantor (MA DOE)
allows us to "over-enroll" our classes by 20%, so we enroll 20% more
students in the fall. When students leave, we "drop" the overenrolled
students into funded slots. This allows us to keep the seats filled
even with the typical attrition that occurs.

In January, when we do our mid-point assessments; we move students to
the higher level who are ready to progress....that typically leaves
several openings in the beginner levels and we begin students in
February as a cohort. This year, we implemented new orientation
programs including a requirement that new students observe a class
before enrolling.

While it is still too early to tell if these new procedures will have a
positive impact, we are hopeful and we know anecdotally that the
transition seems to be easier for some of these students. We are eager
to look at the data at the end of the year to analyze the effectiveness
of this plan.

As we begin to look at our data, we are finding that there seem to be a
unique set of issues for our beginner ESOL students. We suspect that
the lack of effective English communication skills to advocate for
themselves with employers is influencing their attendance and
persistence. This is an issue that we are beginning to tackle in terms
of policy. Do we need to have a more flexible, lenient policy for
beginner students? Is there a way to support students in addressing
these employment issues? How can we empower students more quickly? Are
there other issues for these beginner level students that affect their
participation? As we enter these discussions, the numbers will provide
a basis for developing strategies, but the students themselves with be
our greatest source of valuable data.

Luanne Teller

Luanne Teller

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