National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 683] Call for articles: Taking Action to Stay in Class

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Tue Mar 13 10:37:16 EDT 2007


The following announcement is from Silja Kallenbach, of the New England
Literacy Resource Center. This issue of the Change Agent could be of
interest to some of you on the List. The issue of persistence is
directly affected by assessment. Some of the motivators that help
students stay in class include: good diagnostic and on-going
assessments that can provide formative information for both the teacher
and student; processes and activities for helping students identify
their goals for coming to class; classroom structures that allow
students to watch their progress toward their goals; classroom tools,
such as rubrics, that allow students to take command of their own

Perhaps some of you might be interested in writing or being a committee
member for this issue.

Also, I would be interested in hearing what types of assessment-related
activities you do in your programs and classrooms that speak to the
issue of student persistence.


Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator


The theme of the fall 2007 issue of The Change Agent is Taking Action to
Stay in Class. Unlike the many wonderful writings on learner
persistence that are already available from NCSALL and elsewhere, this
issue of The Change Agent is about the external challenges (working too
hard, health issues, lack of transportation or child care) that make it
hard to keep coming to class and the ways that students are taking
leadership to address those difficulties. I hope this angle resonates
with some you and your students and that you will consider responding.

Perhaps you are interested in serving on the editorial board for this
issue? If so, let me know. I've attached a description of what that
involves. The first meeting will be scheduled for late March/early

Please circulate this call for articles for the next issue of The Change
Agent to other adult educators and students. It is attached in two
Thank you!

Silja Kallenbach, Director
New England Literacy Resource Center
World Education
44 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 02210
tel. 617-482-9485
fax. 617-482-0617
skallenbach at

Get free resources about ABE/ESOL-to-college transitions at
Teach critical thinking with The Change Agent, a social justice
publication for the adult education community, available at

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