National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 662] Guest Moderator on Family Literacy Discussion List

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Tue Feb 20 10:03:17 EST 2007


The following post is from Gail Price, Moderator of the Family Literacy
Discussion List. If you are interested in this discussion and are not a
member of the list, you can subscribe to the list at:


Don Seaman, Ph.D., will join the Family Literacy Discussion List as
guest moderator next Tuesday and Wednesday, February 27 and 28. His
topic will be evaluation-expected outcomes and intended audiences.

Dr. Seaman is a Professor Emeritus and former Research Scientist,
College of Education, Texas A&M University. He and his wife, Anna,
provide technical assistance and evaluation services to a number of Even
Start family literacy programs in Texas.

His own professional research focuses on (1) the impact, both
short-range and long-range, of family literacy programs upon the lives
of families who participate in them, and (2) the return on investment
from Even Start family literacy in Texas. He has collaborated with Texas
LEARNS in two recent research studies that documented the positive
impact of the Even Start family literacy program on participating
parents and children in Texas.

Other of Dr. Seaman's accomplishments include

* Served as a consultant/evaluator for projects involving family
literacy, adult education, workforce literacy programs, and for the
Barbara Bush-Texas initiative.

* Consulted with adult and family literacy projects in Australia,
Canada, The Peoples' Republic of China, Ecuador, England, Germany,
Kenya, Mexico, Peru, Scotland, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe.

* Founded the Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and
Learning (TCALL) at Texas A&M. TCALL is a self-supporting center for
adult and family literacy that houses various externally-funded

* Elected the first sole president of the American Association
for Adult and Continuing Education in 1984.

* Completed a five-month professional internship at the National
Center for Family Literacy during which he evaluated, through on-site
research, the Kenan Model for Family Literacy in 1991. That model is
utilized in many family literacy programs throughout the U.S.

* Taught, with his wife, what is believed to have been one of the
first graduate courses in family literacy in the U.S. in spring 1992.

* Inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education
Hall of Fame in 1998.

If you are not a subscriber to the Family Literacy Discussion List and
would like to join to be part of the Don Seaman discussion, please click
on the following link and follow the directions for subscribing.

Gail J. Price

Multimedia Specialist

National Center for Family Literacy

325 W. Main Street, Suite 300

Louisville, KY 40202

gprice at

502 584-1133, ext. 112

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