National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 608] National Reading Conference

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Sat Jan 27 16:11:54 EST 2007

The following post is from Erik Jacobson.

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator


Research Award Opportunity

National Reading Conference - J. Michael Parker Award

The National Reading Conference awards the J. Michael Parker Award to
encourage research in adult literacy. The award is given to graduate
students and untenured professors who present research on adult
learning or education at the annual conference. Recipients of the
award will receive $300 towards their conference expenses and will be
recognized during a general session of the conference. The award was
established in 2001 in honor of J. Michael Parker, winner of National
Reading Conference's Student Research Award.

The call for papers is available online now at
When submitting your proposal please indicate that you will be
applying for the J. Michael Parker Award (noted at the bottom of the
personal information page). Applicants will be required to submit the
full paper (25 pages or less) electronically by October 1st, 2007.
Committee members will rate the submissions on the following criteria:

1. The research is capable of making a significant contribution to

theory and/or practice of adult learning and instruction.

2. The methodology is appropriate to the research question and of
sufficient rigor.

3. Implications of the research are of a scope needed to impact the


I encourage you to apply to the conference and for the award. If you
have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

Thank you.

Erik Jacobson, Chair
NRC J. Michael Parker Award
jacobsone at

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