National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 582] Homegrown assessments

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Tue Jan 16 14:48:17 EST 2007

Hi everyone,

I mentioned last week that I wanted to raise a discussion about the
types of testing and assessing that you do on a daily/weekly basis with
adult students. This is referred to as formative assessment because it
directly informs the teaching and learning process as it happens. It's
different from summative assessment which tries to deliver a synopsis of
learning over a more lengthy period of time - a semester, or in the case
of ABE, a fiscal or calendar year.

We just briefly discussed these two types of assessments in the last
post on WorkKeys. I finished my thoughts by noting that I am sure that
many practitioners on this list do develop their own "daily use"
assessments or seek out formative assessments that already exist. I
would like for us to share thoughts and resources on formative
assessment here.

Here are some questions to get you thinking:

Do you use both formative and summative assessments in your classroom?
If you use both, do they inform one another? How?
Do you develop your own assessments for use with students? In which
subject areas? How do you use them?
Are students involved in daily/weekly assessment? Do students do any
self-assessment? What does that look like?
Do you have recommendations for effective formative assessments? Where
do you look for these resources?
Did you read any of the suggested resources on formative assessment that
I sent out last week? Were they helpful? What did you think?
Would you be willing to share assessments that you have developed with
subscribers on this List? (We can develop a bank of resources.)

Thanks and looking forward to hearing about what you do on a daily basis
to inform your teaching!

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

Marie Cora
<mailto:marie.cora at> marie.cora at
NIFL Assessment Discussion List Moderator
Coordinator, LINCS Assessment Special Collection

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