Tips and Information

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Tips & Information - Make your home or business more efficient or incorporate renewable energy.
Communications Center - News Briefs and Press Releases by Colorado Energy Organizations and Email Lists to spur Communications
Calendar of Events - Colorado and National Events
Colorado Energy Programs, Demonstrations, Energy Codes, Success Stories
Building/Energy Codes
Energy Directory - Locate energy efficient builders, architects, organizations or products.
Colorado Energy Data - Heating and cooling degreee days, electricity and gas use by sector.
Colorado Laws/Legislation - Current Bills and Existing Laws
Professionals Corner - Photos, Graphics, PowerPoint Presentations, Newsletter Articles and more!
Colorado Jobs in the Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Sector
Other Sites - Links to Hundreds of Colorado and National Energy Sites

What Can I do to Cut My Energy Costs?

Tips & Information contains information to help you cut the energy costs of either your home or your business. The information you will find here can help you evaluate the current energy efficiency level of your home or business and develop a plan to improve that efficiency level or can help you evaluate whether renewable energy is right for you.  To find the information that is suited to your needs, select the appropriate link below: 

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Calendar of Events | Colorado Activities | Energy Directory | Energy Data
Laws/Legislation | Professionals Corner | Job Announcements
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© 2000-2007
This site is currently maintained and hosted by Randy L. Martin of R. L. Martin & Associates
Comments on the site and notification of items that could be included can be sent to: email

Last Updated: 01/21/2007