National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 713] Re: Using Data for Program Improvement begins today!

Condelli, Larry LCondelli at
Mon Apr 16 11:44:03 EDT 2007

Hi Everyone,

It is a pleasure to be a guest on the list this week and my thanks to
Marie for asking me and organizing this.

There is a strong federal initiative to promote use of data for program
improvement at the state and level. Through the National Reporting
system project which I direct, we have conducted several training and
technical assistance activities over the past 4 years on this topic,
including two general training seminars on using data and more specific
ones on promoting adult education programs, monitoring, developing state
and local report cards. All of the training materials and other
information on the topic, including sample work from states, is
available on the NRSWeb website, which Marie has referenced.

All of the other guests have done a great deal of interesting work and
many of them attended our training (and Sandy Strunk served as a trainer
for us a few years back).

I will be interested to get your questions and learn of your
experiences, as well as the responses from the other guests.

From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Marie Cora
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 7:29 AM
To: Assessment at
Subject: [Assessment 710] Using Data for Program Improvement begins

Good morning, afternoon and evening to you all.

Today begins our discussion on Using Data for Program Improvement. I
have pasted the announcement below - please note that there have been
some edits to Guest bios. Also, I am trying to send 4 attachments (they
are power points) but I'm having a tough time getting them through the
server. For now, you have the announcement below and as soon as I
arrange access to the Power Points, I'll let you know. If you received
the original announcement that I sent, you have one of the attachments
already ("Using Data Effectively DCornellier"). Thank you for your
patience with this.

Also, I would like to acknowledge that today is Patriot's Day and is
celebrated in many corners of the United States. Some of our guests, as
well as subscribers, may not be present on-line with us today and this
is fine - they will catch up with us tomorrow. For anyone ready to
begin, please feel free to post your messages.

I'll start us off by asking our guests to briefly describe how they use
data in their work to improve literacy services. Subscribers, please
post your questions and share your own experiences using data. What
type of data would you like to track and why?


Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

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