National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 659] Models Of Teaching

AL aalba1 at
Sat Feb 17 09:53:07 EST 2007

Dear Educators,

I have used Some aspects of Standards Based Instruction in the
correctional classroom and I am seeking additional strategies. If you could
describe methods that you have found successful to incorporate Standards
Based Instruction that is aligned with the Social Constructivist Approach it
would be helpful. The Social Constructivist Approach involves students
engaged in active problem solving by participating in debates, cooperative
work, real life problems, open ended dialogue, and higher level questioning.
If you have any type of curricula, instructional practices, or resources
that you use to foster students' creating thinking and the goals of the
Social Constructivist Approach it would be appreciated if you could share
such methods.

Sincerely, AL ALba, PhD

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