National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2494] Re: Teaching adults to read using phonics

Deborah Stewart d.j.stewart at
Mon Sep 15 10:33:59 EDT 2008

Hello Lynn,
I would be very interested in learning anything that might help me put together this instructional design document for my class. Please provide any information that you deem necessary. Thanks again.


Deborah Stewart

--- On Mon, 9/15/08, iungo at <iungo at> wrote:

> From: iungo at <iungo at>

> Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2492] Re: Teaching adults to read using phonics

> To: professionaldevelopment at

> Date: Monday, September 15, 2008, 9:51 AM

> <div id=yiv1175406906><p>Hello Deborah -

> </p><p> </p><p>Have you had the

> opportunity to investigate incoporating the system of

> "Cued Speech" for adult literacy?  Cued Speech is

> a phoneme system which embraces the learning styles  of

> visual, auditory and kinesthetic simultaneously.

> Originally  created for children who are deaf, providing

> for them and their family members a successful tool

> for language acquisition.  Cueing can/is implemeted into a

> variety of language learning

> enviroments.</p><p> </p><p>I would

> be happy to provide and/or disccus you with information

> regaring the cueing of language, and the system of Cued

> Speech. 

> </p><p> </p><p>SIncerely,</p><p> </p><p>Lynn

> Beech, B.Ed.</p><p>Alberta Cued English (ACE) -

> President</p><p>Candidate for InsCert -

> NCSA</p><p>Cued English - Literacy, Language and

> Inclusion</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>On

> Sep 14, 2008,

> <strong>d.j.stewart at</strong>

> wrote: </p><div

> class="replyBody"><blockquote

> style="padding-left:1ex;margin:0pt 0pt 0pt

> 1.8ex;border-left:#267fdb 2px solid;"><br

> />Greetings All,<br />I am a first year graduate

> student in Instructional technology. I have an assignment to

> write an instructional design document using ADDIE. I have

> chosen to write my instruction on adult literacy with a

> focus on teaching adults to read using phonics. If anyone

> can help me find the necessary information needed I really

> appreciate it. Websites, publications or other helpful

> information would be great. Thanks  all.<br /><br

> /><br />Regards,<br /><br />Deborah

> Stewart<br /><br

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