National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2715] Re: Online Teaching PD Workgroup

Crystal Hack chack at
Mon Dec 29 15:57:12 EST 2008

Hello David and others,

Sorry, I was not clear in my previous post. All the information I shared before was centered around how the GED-i training team provide PD to instructors/coordinators/administrators in IL and beyond. All of our training is around promoting online learning to students, finding your target audience and marketing to that audience, screening and orientation of online students, teaching and learning online in general. Sorry if I was not clear. All of the practices and approaches we take to professional development for adult education are very low cost and very transferable to other initiatives.

If others have questions feel free to ask. :)

Jackie mentioned a similar group so let me know when things come together. Once the smaller discussion group is pulled together please share the details and I would more than glad to take part.


Center for the Application of Information Technologies

----- Original Message -----
From: "djrosen1" <djrosen1 at>
To: "The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List" <professionaldevelopment at>
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:40:21 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2711] Online Teaching PD Workgroup

Hi Crystal,

Thanks for your informative post. Does GED-i also provide GED-i
teachers with training online (or in a blended training model) to
teach GED-i students online? Although it may not have been clear, I
was suggesting that there may be a small group of PD-ers interested
in working to develop a design or a model for training teachers to
teach online students, a design that is aligned with the newly
developed AALPD PD standards and that also draws on best practicies
from those who have been training teachers (online) to teach students
online or in blended learning models.

So far, I have heard from three people who are interested in forming
such an (online) work group. Crystal, would you also like to join
this work group? Are there others who would like to join? If so,
email me and I will be glad to send everyone who is interested an
email with the names and email addresses of those who are interested
so we can get started.

David J. Rosen
djrosen1 at

On Dec 29, 2008, at 11:04 AM, Crystal Hack wrote:

> Hello All,


> I would be more than willing to be a part of a small discussion

> group on this.


> The GED-i does almost all of our PD online or at a distance. We

> began to offer PD online/at-a-distance as a direct response to the

> cut in our adult education budgets, our limited PD staff time

> available to travel around the state of IL and to other states. We

> needed to save our project $s and time and save our adult ed

> provider $s and time away from the classroom as well.


> We provide the following at a distance PD and have provided it to

> IL and our other partner state users for several years.

> A variety of phone conference PD opportunities (these are very well

> received and attended).

> Several online chat opportunities using (we used to

> use yahoo but have switched to tappedin for a variety of reasons

> that I can share).

> Email follow up to F2F trainings to extend the learning process and

> provide further support to our users.

> Online email trainings that range in length from 3 weeks to 6 weeks

> that are geared toward administrators (program leadership),

> coordinators, and instructors.

> Full day, half day, and one hour video conference trainings and

> training follow ups are also a part of our offerings as well.

> Online email mentoring for a 12 week period that follows our F2F

> training or our email trainings.

> Two online courses are also available, although they are fairly

> labor intensive and require a much higher level of commitment than

> the other at-a-distance offerings we provide our users.

> When we started this we had a hard time filling our at a distance

> PD and offered about a equal amount of F2F and at a distance

> trainings. Now we offer about 90% online and have waiting lists

> for our PD and have to go as far as having repeat offerings that

> were unscheduled to accommodate those who want to take part. We

> have learned a lot offering PD at a distance. We have definitely

> evolved our registration, training, tracking, and follow up

> processes as well as the structure of the PD we do.


> Let me know if there are questions and if you would like me to be

> involved in further discussion of this topic.


> Crystal


> --

> Center for the Application of Information Technologies


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: "djrosen1" <djrosen1 at>

> To: "The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List"

> <professionaldevelopment at>

> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 8:12:26 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada

> Central

> Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2703] Re: Economic Stimulus and

> Professional Development


> Colleagues,


> On Dec 27, 2008, at 3:05 PM, Jackie A. Taylor wrote:


> So, a few questions:


> What are the considerations for professional development if the

> $500 million stimulus for adult education became an immediate reality?


> • Massachusetts many years ago decided that 10% of its state and

> federal adult education funding should be used for professional

> development. I think that's a guideline that should be recommended

> to other states in all new federal funding.


> • We (professional developers, practitioners) need federal funding

> for a national research center specifically for adult literacy

> education (like NCSALL).


> What additional models already exist that we can learn from?


> One of the adult literacy education delivery models that has great

> promise, but that will require significant new and additional

> professional development ,is online learning. This is especially

> useful for programs that involve initial face-to-face training and/

> or education and then job placement, where there is still need for

> continued education once the person is working, but because of the

> work schedule there is not much opportunity to attend classes. A

> blended model, that involves some face-to-face, perhaps one or two

> Saturdays a month, and 4-10 hours a week of online learning might

> be an ideal model for some people in this situation. Currently

> there are very few adult literacy education teachers who have been

> trained to do online learning well. If online or blended learning

> significantly expands, there will be a "labor shortage" of these

> teachers.


> How would we get up and running as quickly as possible?


> We are now close to having final AALPD standards for professional

> development. Using those standards as a touchstone, and the

> knowledge gained by Project IDEAL, the Health Care Learning Network

> in Massachusetts, The McDonald's Corporation's English Under the

> Arches, programs that have used English for All (and now USA

> Learns) and other online and blended learning models, perhaps we

> could discuss here -- and archive on the ALE Wiki -- some design

> principles, objectives and content areas for training/professional

> development in online teaching. Has someone already done (or begun)

> that?


> If there were a small group of people who were interested not just

> in discussing this, but also working on developing a PD design for

> online adult literacy education teaching, perhaps they could

> organize themselves in an online workgroup (using Officezilla,

> Community Zero, a Google or Yahoo group and/or a wiki). We could

> discuss that here, too.



> David J. Rosen

> DJRosen at







> David J. Rosen

> djrosen1 at





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