National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2159] AALPD PD Quality Standards - Deadline Extended to June 20

Taylor, Jackie jataylor at
Thu Jun 5 12:50:45 EDT 2008

PD List Colleagues,

Thank you to those who have responded to the request for feedback on the
final draft of the Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers
(AALPD) Professional Development Quality Standards. The AALPD would like
to ensure that everyone has had the opportunity to give feedback;
therefore they have extended the deadline to Friday, June 20th.

Please review this final draft
( and help
AALPD determine the following. Are the standards:

* Clear
* Is anything missing
* Are any too general
* Are any too prescriptive
* Hard to implement, which ones, how should they change it

You can submit feedback by any one of the following ways:

* Posting it to the PD List. Email your comments to:
professionaldevelopment at
* Posting it on the Wiki:

* Emailing it to Renee Sherman directly at: rsherman at .

Background and Process:

Last November 2007, the Professional Development Discussion List held a
discussion of Quality Professional Development. As a part of that
discussion, PD List subscribers contributed feedback on the draft AALPD
Quality Professional Development Standards. (A summary of the Quality PD
discussion and the full thread can be found by visiting:

The AALPD has since incorporated our input into a new version of the
draft standards and the Executive Board invites us to share any
remaining feedback. By mid-July, the AALPD Standards Committee will
finalize the draft standards and they will go to the AALPD membership
for an up or down vote. Please offer your final feedback today.


Best, Jackie


Jackie Taylor, Adult Literacy Professional Development List Moderator,
jataylor at
National Institute for Literacy
Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers

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