National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2026] Re: [Professional Development 2017]Re: Volunteer Tutor Training

Donna Elder delder at
Thu Mar 6 15:18:33 EST 2008

If you would like to check out the courses mentioned, the link has
changed. The whole Web site has been redesigned and has just been
launched this week!

These courses can be found at

Donna Elder
National Center for Family Literacy
delder at

-----Original Message-----
From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at
[mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Nadia and
Kevin Colby
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 2:49 PM
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2024] Re: [Professional Development
2017]Re: Volunteer Tutor Training

I took some of the Verizon courses and found them
interesting. They do fill gaps for those who are
trained in other fields but are also literacy
volunteers. They also help new teachers as the
materials are well written and courses can be
customized to personal needs. I think I enrolled in
three courses (about 2 years ago) and devoted
different parts of the day to each one of them. I
got the information at the Literacy Assistance Center
in New York City but unfortunately I don't have the
link anymore. I tried the one provided in the
previous message and it is no longer valid.

The best part of these courses, considering the
limited funding that a lot of programs have, is that
they are absolutely free. This is a great on line
resource for tutors.

Nadia Quiroz-Colby
Houston, TX
--- Nancy R Faux/AC/VCU <nfaux at> wrote:

> Although the following mini-courses offered by

> Verizon Online University

> do not constitute a volunteer tutor training

> program, they may be helpful

> to your volunteers. (p.s. maybe someone at Verizon

> could fix the link.)



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